account-polld push and account notification

Registered by Sergio Schvezov

Tasks to complete push and account poll integration on the client side


Add a toggle for account-polld to the services in some form ("Push/Poll Notifications"?) to:
account-plugin-twitter: /usr/share/accounts/services/twitter-microblog.service
account-plugin-facebook: /usr/share/accounts/services/facebook-microblog.service

and figure out if on is needed for gmail:
evolution-data-server-online-accounts: /usr/share/accounts/services/google-gmail.service

Also create:

Helpers example:

Example click app with helpers:

Ref for url-dispathing to the webapps:


Work Items

Work items:
[sergiusens] Define and write interface: DONE
[sergiusens] Write poll daemon: DONE
[sergiusens] Write tests for poll daemon: TODO
[sergiusens] Hooks to envvars for easier testing: TODO
[sergiusens] Write gmail plugin: INPROGRESS
[jamesh] Write twitter plugin: DONE
[jamesh] Write facebook plugin: DONE
[sergiusens] Add debian packaging: DONE
[sergiusens] UOA service for gmail and application files: DONE
[jamesh] Integrate with signond: DONE
[jamesh] Integrate with accounts-glib: DONE
[sergiusens] Hookup daemon to network and battery status: TODO
[sergiusens] Hookup daemon to powerd: TODO
[sergiusens] Use libclick bindings from push-client to query installation status of target APP_ID: INPROGRESS
Figure out if 1 000 000 000 of requests per day for gmail is enough (and how much is needed if not): TODO
internationalization: TODO
integration tests: TODO
persist status on last retrieved messages in plugins: TODO
write test plan: TODO

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