Debian Packaging for AnonPlus.
[DONE] (1) Ensure all Debian packaging policy is enforced.
[DONE] (2) Ensure Debian Python Policy is enforced and utilized. (http://
[DONE] (3) Ensure all Debian maintainer policies and procedures are enforced (for Debian-distribution packaging).
[X] (4) Research implementation of CDBS class to facilitate packaging of packages (refer to http://
[*] [X] (4) Research use of DebHelper 7 for facilitation of packaging with (Superceded by Package Reconfigure done by Thomas Ward)
(5) Ensure Ubuntu packaging practices are utilized.
(6) Ensure Packaging of this package does not violate the Ubuntu code of conduct, and ensure packaging of this package does not violate any Ubuntu packaging restrictions.
TASKS FOR Thomas Ward:
[DONE] Begin templates for debian/ files (see https:/
[DONE] Add templates to dedicated launchpad/Bazaar branch.
[X] Begin adding python configurations into the debian/rules file, to incorporate DebHelper >= 7 into the installation/setup system.
[X] Configure debian/rules to be a non-standard rules system
[DONE] Reconfigure package to multiple-binary package format, splitting unittests from the main package
[DONE] Create debian/
[DONE] Create debian/
[DONE] Add entry to debian/control for anonplus binary package
[DONE] Add entry to debian/control for anonplus-unittests binary package
[DONE] Add descriptions to both anonplus and anonplus-unittests entries in debian/control
TASKS FOR aj00200:
(1) [DONE] Notify Thomas Ward (EvilPhoenix) to begin packaging AnonPlus.
[X] = Invalidated / Superceded
[*] = Supercedes other task with same number
[IP] = Task is In Progress
[DONE] = Task Complete.
Package Release Targeted for: build-8 (according to aj00200).
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Thomas Ward
- Priority:
- Medium
- Drafter:
- Thomas Ward
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Thomas Ward
- Definition:
- Obsolete
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Blocked
- Milestone target:
- build-8
- Started by
- Thomas Ward
- Completed by
- Thomas Ward
debian/ templates completed. See https:/
debian/control amended to include stated dependencies (https:/
Began setting up base recipe. Link to come later.
Required PyCrypto resides in a non-anonplus PPA. Packaging is blocked until PPA owner(s) have been contacted and have given permission to copy their packages of PyCrypto into the AnonPlus PPA(s).
PPA required libs imported into PPA. Blueprint no longer blocked.
Modified debian/rules to include the debhelper argument: --with python2
Began building debian/install file. src/libs/ is complete and in the file. Rest of Anon+
src/ file still needs added.
TODO: Remove --with python2 from debhelper
Finished debian/install file for version of source that existed as of last commit to the debian branch.
Modified debian/copyright to match LGPL-v3+ as per Vomun Developers.
Package Source Updated.
Bug #911071
Bug #911073
Beta available (build007-pre). Location will be updated here to reflect which PPA the beta is in.
Beta version of package available here: https:/
Returned to drafting state. Executable scripts which run and/or do not exist, and need to be created. Beta is still available without executables.
Temporarily Blocked. Reason: Lintian errors in package that were previously undetected.
Block Removed. Slow Progress due to time consumption by other tasks.
Blocked. Reason: stall due to other higher-priority packaging projects. (2012-09-06)
I've cancelled this blueprint, because the packaging tests I have run will not correctly operate because of the current formatting of how to set up/configure the program. I confirmed this with testing the setup procedure, and the program will not run when packaged.
Work Items
Work items:
Redo debian/install: BLOCKED
Test-build Debian package: TODO
Test built Debian packages ((Need Testers)): TODO
Rebuild packaging environment (CRITICAL PRIORITY): DONE
Reobtain source code: TODO
Rebuild Debian package from debian/install: TODO
Dependency tree
* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.