Development Plan for Auto-NDISwrapper
This project aims to create a program written in Python that automatically detects what wireless card you have and then automatically downloads the driver for your card. With this driver the the program sets it up automatically with ndiswrapper. We want this program to also automatically disable any wifi driver currently installed, because otherwise ndiswrapper wont work. The program will get the drivers directly from the manufacturer's websites because it is illegal to redistribute those drivers.
Stage I
Make a detailed list of wireless opensource drivers commonly used in distros. Be sure to include as much info as possible as we will later need it for the automation of the blacklisting process.
Find out if the blacklist file is in the same place in all distros and if blacklisting of the drivers is done the same way in all distros.
Find out how to disable wifi drivers.
Create a Python script that automatically blacklists a chosen driver.
Create Python script that automatically downloads the drivers and installs them.
Organize the wireless cards pcid's and their name to make a "database" for the auto recognition feature. We also need the location of those drivers in their manufacturer's website. (Only the direct link to the download)
Make a "database" that associates pcid's with open source drivers to be able to know what to blacklist.
#Sometimes opensource drivers work perfectly but sometimes they don't. In the first case the user wont look for #this program. I'm all in for open source drivers but sometimes they simply don't work.
Extra Functions to be added later
GUI interface
Function that checks if all the the dependencies have been taken care of.
If the user doesn't have Internet have a feature that tells him what driver he needs and where to get it from.
Function to undo everything done by the program.
Function that reports succesful installations
Function that reports unsuccesful installations
Any other ideas feel free to tell me.
If you want to work on anything on the list please post that you are working it. Also if you finish something please tell us.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Started
- Approver:
- HErD
- Priority:
- Essential
- Drafter:
- HErD
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- HErD
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Started
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- climatewarrior
- Completed by
vperetokin: I'd like to help with the GUI. I'm a contributor to the gufw (https:/