Merge Compute and Central agents
Registered by
Eoghan Glynn
Merge the code of the compute and central agents back, so they would differ only in the pipeline (like agent running on the compute nodes collect only compute meters, on cloud controller - any other set of meters).
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Eoghan Glynn
- Priority:
- Medium
- Drafter:
- Eoghan Glynn
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Dina Belova
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for kilo
- Implementation:
- Implemented
- Milestone target:
- 2015.1.0
- Started by
- Eoghan Glynn
- Completed by
- Eoghan Glynn
Related branches
Related bugs
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