Current documentation for “Checkbox”
To classify a blueprint as documentation, set the Implementation status to “Informational” When the blueprint's Definition status is marked “Approved”, it will appear in this listing.
Improving audio testing
for Checkbox
Discussion on improving testing of audio devices, focusing on how to monitor the system for changes to lessen the burden on human verifiers.
Current audio testing is somewhat limited to built-in and external speaker/headphone and microphone sets. We test for functionality before and after suspension. We also do som...
Improving certification lab
for Checkbox
This blueprint is about improving the internal Canonical system testing labs. It is unlikely to be of interest to anyone not directly involved in the Canonical daily testing lab setup.
We need to accomplish a few things to help better organise hardware, write specific tests for both certification and QA testing, a...
Ubuntu Ready and Self-Testing
for Checkbox
A requirement of the certification program is the ability for OEMs to 'self-certify' by running required certification tests. Previously this was the goal of the 'checkbox-compatibility' package; however changes to the naming conventions and goals of the certification program have left it out-of-date.
A tentative p...
3 blueprint(s) listed.