CheckBox (based on PlainBox) in Ubuntu

Registered by Zygmunt Krynicki

We (the Hardware Certification Team) needs to deliver CheckBox improvements to Ubuntu. We need to ensure that PlainBox and the new PlainBox-based tools are properly packaged, can land in Ubuntu and can replace the old tools (where appropriate)

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Needs approval
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Started by
Zygmunt Krynicki
Completed by
Zygmunt Krynicki

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(step 1) As checkbox family maintainer, I want to get rid of unused cli and urwid packages, so my maintenance costs are reduced.
This is a tiny story, maybe we can meld it with the other one.
DoD: checkbox-oem-urwid, checkbox-urwid and checkbox-oem-cli are no longer built. OEM QA have confirmed that they don’t use these packages. Redundant dependencies in oem packages removed.
As checkbox maintainer, I want a checkbox-ng-cli client based on plainbox to support features needed to replace checkbox-certification-server, so I can move forward with plainbox world domination.
Implementing the checkbox-ng-cli features listed in the next story, mainly a way to specify a whitelist when in sru/certification mode.
DoD: checkbox-ng-cli to be based in plainbox and to have a certification mode with suitable behavior for certification. It’s almost the same as plainbox SRU mode, perhaps making console output a bit friendlier and being able to specify a whitelist both with -w and the config file.
(step 2) As server certifier, I want checkbox-certification-server to use plainbox, so I can benefit from all the new features.
DoD: Installing the latest version of checkbox-certification-server installs required plainbox and checkbox-ng-cli packages. Checkbox-certification-server script runs checkbox-ng-cli instead of checkbox. Checkbox-certification-server/checkbox-ng-cli supports the parameters I use most (mainly -w for a custom whitelist). Default (no CLI parameters) behavior uses the server-certification.whitelist. Products of a checkbox-certification-server run are what I usually expect (submission to c3, a .xml submission file). Checkbox-certification-server auto-starts on boot as checkbox did.
Plainbox already supports specifying the secure id and submission endpoint in its config file. Checkbox supports specifying the whitelist to run in a config file, useful for auto-start runs, an equivalent feature for plainbox or checkbox-ng-cli may be useful.
(Stories for the plainbox GUI for step 3)
(step 4) As desktop certifier, I want checkbox-certification-client to use plainbox and checkbox-ng-gui, so I can benefit from all the new features.
DoD: Installing the latest version of checkbox-certification-client installs required plainbox packages. Checkbox-certification-client script runs plainbox engine and plainbox gui instead of checkbox. Checkbox-certification-client/plainbox supports the parameters I use most (mainly -w for a custom whitelist). Default behavior uses the client-certification.whitelist. Products of a checkbox-certification-client run are what I usually expect (submission to c3, a .xml submission file).
As Plainbox developer I want the jobbox and providers implemented, so I can deliver jobs, scripts and data files as required by my project without having to touch the central checkbox repository of stuff.
(step 6-8 note these are a bit more nebulous as they’re a bit farther in the future) As OEM QA I want to migrate my jobs and whitelists to a Plainbox provider, so I can keep my tools up to date and don’t go out of sync with certification


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