OrgUnit Selector for Mobile Lite Aggregate

Registered by Paul Mark Castillo

OrgUnit Selector for Mobile Lite Aggregate
Total Estimate: 5 Days


FEATURE #1: Show OrgUnits (Basic)
Estimate: 2 Days

Due to device limitations, where would be a new screen called "OrgUnits Screen", where it would show all of the orgunits in checkboxes.

There would be two options (initially): "Done", and "Cancel"

Selecting "Cancel" would go back to the previous screen.

Selecting "Done" would return the selected orgunits to the previous screen.


FEATURE #2: Select and Unselect at Level
Estimate: 1 Day

On the "OrgUnits Screen", there would be new options lke: "Select at Level", and "Unselect at Level"

Selecting these screens, would go to a new screen called "Select At Level Screen", where it would show a list of levels.

There would be two options on this screen, "Select", "Cancel".

Selecting "Cancel" would go back to the "OrgUnits Screen"

Selecting "Select" would go back to the "OrgUnits Screen" and the selected levels would be selected.

Same goes the with the "Unselect" option.


FEATURE #3: Select and Unselect in Group
Estimate: 1 Day

On the "OrgUnits Screen", there would be new options lke: "Select in Group", and "Unselect in Group"

Selecting these screens, would go to a new screen called "Select in Group Screen", where it would show a list of orgunit groups.

There would be two options on this screen, "Select", "Cancel".

Selecting "Cancel" would go back to the "OrgUnits Screen"

Selecting "Select" would go back to the "OrgUnits Screen" and the selected groups would be selected.

Same goes the with the "Unselect" option.


FEATURE #4: Un-select all and Select Children
Estimate: 1 Day

On the "OrgUnits Screen", there would be new options lke: "Un-select all", and "Select Children"

Selecting "Un-select all" would unselect all orgunits.

Selecting "Select Children" would select the children of all currently selected orgunits.

Blueprint information

Not started
Peder Andreas Nergaard
Paul Mark Castillo
Needs approval
Paul Mark Castillo
Series goal:
Accepted for trunk
Milestone target:

Related branches



FEATURE #1: Show OrgUnits (Basic): TODO
FEATURE #2: Select and Unselect at Level: POSTPONED
FEATURE #3: Select and Unselect in Group: POSTPONED
FEATURE #4: Un-select all and Select Children: POSTPONED


Work Items

Work items:
FEATURE #1: Show OrgUnits (Basic): TODO
FEATURE #2: Select and Unselect at Level: POSTPONED
FEATURE #3: Select and Unselect in Group: POSTPONED
FEATURE #4: Un-select all and Select Children: POSTPONED

Dependency tree

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