Provide mechnism to check status of all the dragondlow services across cluster
A mechanism could be provided to check status of all the services of Dragonflow across the cluster. It can help to provide status from a single point. One of the possible way to handle is
1) Whenever a service starts, it register itself in database.
2) Either of the following approach can be used
- The service keeps on providing heartbeat
- A separate thread can check these services
- if database provide health monitoring then it can be used as well. For example consul provide a mechanism to provide health monitoring and key value store as well.
- A hybrid approach can be used as well for example applications send heartbeat, if heartbeat is not received then service health can be checked explicitly and its status may be updated.
Gerrit topic: https:/
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Spec to support service status reporting
Addressed by: https:/
Added support for service status reporting
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NbAPI should not publish if not a neutron server