Project Portal for customers to keep track of project milestones

Registered by JB (

It should be possible for customers of a company to access OpenERP in order to keep track of the milestones of the project that are relevant to them.

In order to do that, the following changes need to be implemented:

1. A new specific menu area "Project"

2. A new menu "Milestones"

3. A new action window "Milestones" that should present search, tree,form,calendar views for all the milestones in the domain where the logged user is member of the project associated to the milestone.

4.1. The tree view should display the default task view

4.2. The form view should display the fields:
- Description
- Project
- State
- date_start
- date_latest_finish
- date_end

5. A new menu "Projects"

6. A new action window "Projects" that should present search, tree,form views for all the projects in the domain where the logged user is member of the project.

6.1. The tree view should display the following project fields:
- Full WBS path code
- Full WBS path name
- Class
- Stage
- User responsible
- Partner
- State

6.2. The form view should display the following project fields:
- Header fields:
* name
* Class
* Stage
* Code
* Full WBS path code
* Partner
* Parent project
* User responsible
- Milestones tab
* Description
* State
* date_start
* date_latest_finish
* date_end

7. A user view should be created so that only the name of the user is presented if the logging user wants to access to this object.

8. A "knowledge" Area menu should be created and a "wiki" menu should be created within. A wiki group "Customer wiki" should be created, and a related menu entry should be linked.

7. A new group "Project / Customer" that should have read-only access to the relevant objects (task, project, user, wiki, attachments). The above mentioned menus, actions, views, should be restricted only to this new group, so that users of this group will only have the authorisation to use these objects.

Blueprint information

Not started
JB (
JB (
Needs approval
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