Support for lldp in fuel
Identifying which port on switch is connected to which interface on node is required for proper network configuration,
monitoring, and debugging network problems.
In my understanding it will require next action items:
1. Package open-lldp agent http://
2. Installing and configuring open-lldp agent daemon.
3. Adding action for mcollective agent with querieng MIB db on each slave.
3.1. also we can include collected info for diagnostic snapshot
4. Parsing collected info in nailgun receiver and store it in suitable way
4.1 either as json for cluster (will be enough for initial usage)
4.2 add switch model to our db scheme
Detailed spec will be provided.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Dmitry Pyzhov
- Priority:
- Low
- Drafter:
- Dima Shulyak
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Fuel Python (Deprecated)
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- Accepted for future
- Implementation:
Not started
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Completed by
Related branches
Related bugs
There are some users asking to add lldp daemons to deployed nodes also. They were "working with a MXL switch from DELL that uses OpenFlow, and in order for the switch to properly identify the host it requires LLDP to be running on the nodes".