Add os_type to the image
Normally every image has its image-type but we need to add os_type field to the image, concept is actually many data center admins have different placement strategy, so some admins follows os-type based placement here we need image to be available with os-type.
Proposing idea follows below structure -
glance add-os-type - to add the os-type
glance os-list - to list the os-type
os_type tables contains 3 fields - id, name & desc
Class OS_type:
id = UUID
name = String
desc = String
& here we need to add 1 field os_type to the image table
class Image:
os_type = ForeignKey(OS_type)
the id of the os_type table.
This feature will add more value when administrator wants to create image with os_type.
I have already implemented this feature in our setup after discussing with our data center admin.
Code is also ready.
Can we implement this use case through image property feature? And use ImageProperties
It should be fine. so I'll start my work on that side
Looks like there's agreement that this can be done in the current glance structure without adding any new code, so marking as 'abandoned'.
rosmaita abandoned 2014-04-04
Thanks for your reply guys.
but can you tell me how I can use this feature in glance so that I can use it properly according to my requirement. -- Digambar
Using the v2 API, you'd update the image (PATCH call) with something like
[{"op":"add", "path":"/os_type", "value"
and then you can find images like that with GET /v2/images?
Does that address your use case? (rosmaita)
Yes, I think this fits to my use case. Let me use this to update the image by this way.
-- Digambar