Angular Overview Panels
This blueprint will replace the Python overview panels with Angular implementations. The Python panels will be deprecated and the angular views used by default.
The overview panels make a large number of API calls and cause fairly significant slowdown on anything but the smallest of deployments. This has knock-on effects on things like login speed, because it is the default panel shown unless otherwise configured.
The Project and Admin overview panels will both be replaced with angular views that make asynchronous calls to populate the usage data. The panels should have a more complete view of the available quotas, as well as being significantly faster to load. The load will also not be a blocking load.
Stylistically similar to the current implementation, but with a tabbed view. This suits the async loading better, and will split up the quotas by project (i.e. Cinder, Nova, Neutron)
Standard JS unit testing
Outside Dependencies
Requirements Update Required
Doc Impact
- A new setting to toggle between the Python and JS Overview panels will be needed
- This will need a release note
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Rob Cresswell
- Priority:
- Low
- Drafter:
- Rob Cresswell
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- None
- Definition:
- Obsolete
- Series goal:
- Accepted for 14.0.0-rocky
- Implementation:
- Started
- Milestone target:
- rocky-3
- Started by
- Rob Cresswell
- Completed by
- Akihiro Motoki
Related branches
Related bugs
The proposed patch https:/
[Mar 16, 2018 - amotoki] Per discussion at Dublin PTG, we agree that rewriting existing panels is no longer high priority topic. Changing the priority to Low.
Angular migration is no longer prioritized and the proposed author has gone. Marking this as Obsolete.