Ceilometer alarm API
- Alerting(
1. Using the Alarm API (https:/
2. The history of alerts can be obtained from here https:/
3. Reducing noise from detailed monitoring with meta-alarms (this is must have for the larger deployments), will also allow to build more complex alarms - https:/
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- David Lyle
- Priority:
- Medium
- Drafter:
- Ladislav Smola
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- sanjana
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- David Lyle
- Completed by
- sanjana
Related branches
Related bugs
Bug #1224298: Limited Alarm API querying | Fix Released |
Bug #1226470: Alarm creation by admins does not allow project/user setting | Fix Released |
[lsmola] Figure out where to put this https:/
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
Adding ceilometer alarm api
[lsmola | 18.9.2013] BLOCKED Waiting for dependencies to finish (also related bugs)
[2014-02-03 | david-lyle] moving out of icehouse
[2014-06-13 | chmartinez] Bug dependency fixed on ceilometer master branch. We'll move and finishe the tests required for the https:/
[david-lyle 2014.07.14] Moving milestone to j-3
[david-lyle 2014.08.26] Moving milestone to Kilo
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
Adding Ceilometer Alarm API
Work Items
Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.