Implement a Heat UI for managing stacks
It should be possible to perform the following Heat operations through Horizon:
- Select a file or url of a template to launch as a stack
- Set stack launch parameters and launch a stack
- List stacks for the currently selected Project
- List resources and events for a stack
- Update an existing stack with modified template/parameters
- Delete a running stack
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Gabriel Hurley
- Priority:
- High
- Drafter:
- Steve Baker
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Steve Baker
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for havana
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Gabriel Hurley
- Completed by
- Gabriel Hurley
Related branches
Related bugs
[gabrielhurley] We need to work together to allow the multi-step back-and-forth template->form workflow that heat needs. Allowing this via AJAX shouldn't be terribly difficult. When the existing code is more-or-less ready I'll pull that into a branch of my own to build out that functionality.
[gabrielhurley 2013-05-27] Making good progress on this and many of the smaller preliminary reviews are merged, but I'm gonna bump it to H2 to give it more time for review rather than shoving it into H1 in the next 24 hours.
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
Allow workflows to support multipart POST.
Addressed by: https:/
register replace_underscores filter for templates
Addressed by: https:/
parse_iso8601 filter to parse a date string.
Addressed by: https:/
Access to heat API via python-heatclient
Addressed by: https:/
Preparing for Heat tests
Addressed by: https:/
Implementation of a Heat stacks UI.
Addressed by: https:/
Show Heat links in a panel group on project dashboard
Addressed by: https:/
Orchestration endpoints for keystone test data
Addressed by: https:/
Prompt for password on stack create.
Addressed by: https:/
Improve presentation of stack parameter labels.
Work Items
Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.