Add support to LAVA for starting and monitoring model shell
LAVA needs to be able to monitor model_shell (or the ISIM equivalent) to allow others to use fast models. As a part of this it has to be able to run model_shell/
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Paul Larson
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Zygmunt Krynicki
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Zygmunt Krynicki
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Implemented
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Zygmunt Krynicki
- Completed by
- Zygmunt Krynicki
Related branches
Related bugs
[zkrynicki, 2012-02-23] For details on how to spot license issues reliably: http://
[zkrynicki, 2012-03-13] Removed dependency on image builder spec, images are now provided by dev platform
[fboudra, 2012-03-26] re-target to 2012.04 milestone.
[zkrynicki, 2012-04-11] starting to land in lp:lava-core
[fboudra, 2012-04-27] Re-target to 2012.05 milestone.
Headline: API support for starting and monitoring model binary
1. Running fast model binaries provided by dev platform works
2. License issues are detected and handled as a special case
3. Virtual consoles are properly intercepted
4. The system can run on a headless oneiric server
Roadmap id: LAVA2012-
Work Items
Work items:
Add support for starting model_shell or isim target: DONE
Add pythonic wrapper for arguments and configuration: DONE
Add support for detecting license issues: DONE
Add support for intercepting virtual consoles 1-4: DONE
Implement command line tools to simplify debugging: DONE
Dependency tree
* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.