Pythonless, host-driven tests
As inspired by: http://
lava-test is currently driven by the target and should become more host driven like lava-android-test. We need to create new APIs, similar to current lava-test APIs, for writing tests that run on the host. A specialized sub-class of that will be lava-android-tests with extra android bits. Much of the current code should remain (just move around), the android bits will need larger refactoring as they broke off from lava-test a long time ago, before the large rewrite/clenaup and still carry tons of legacy code. We should try to transparently support old tests that run on the device in remote mode, for efficiency. This may not be possible for all tests though, as any sub-classes of our standard test classes can do arbitrary things we cannot easily move across to the new model.
Goals: Leave the session with some concrete technical ideas for implementing this as well as a plan for how we could roll this out.
Work Items
Work items:
Come up with a transition plan for lava-test and lava-android-test: TODO
Discuss this with test maintainers (our key stakeholders): TODO
Consider bootloader testing so that we can support: TODO
Write down a more comprehensive list of work items after connect: TODO