Instrumenting lab hardware for testing
What kinds of things could we add for enabling more tests and better testing? Some ideas are things like:
* Jtag
* wifi APs
* audio connections
* USB devices (would something like a usb stick in every board be useful? enough? too much? not enough?)
* hdmi capture
Session notes:
Andy Green said that he doesn't want to commit regressions to public git
did casual testing adhoc testing on his own, has tried to formalize when these things worked, which branch was tested, making an html table of these testable things as a text file
sounds like a use for lava-qatracker as these are mostly manual tests
Are there improvements we could make that would make it possible to automate these things?
Tests we would like to be doing:
audio capture
can do this on the same board even
hdmi capture, even video
there is a card (black magic design) for roughly US$175
do these capture EDID?
can you fake EDID?
bootloader testing
power management testing
Anticipate to have first samples from Dave Anders in December for these devices
a crappy ammeter will still be useful for catching regressions
varous things involving JTAGs
usb gadgets
simulate attaching and detaching keyboards and mice?
want to test both modes of OTG port
on panda, ethernet is a host usb asset, and this is true of many other boards as well, so it's more important to test the musb
WIFI AP connect/
zyga concerned that it might be flakey
Andy said that in his experience it's not so bad with wifi/bluetooth
Bluetooth? Have something it can pair with and do something
bluetooth access point and do obex push
may be limited to 7-21 devices or so per AP
device that converts serial to keyboard input ~$50
Add back scheduler ability to support tags on devices so that we can describe the capabilities needed
Can we provide a framework for allowing others to do some of the work?
Can we coordinate with Canonical's HW testing teams?
Andy's opinion of priorities here:
hdmi - this seems to break frequently
wifi to a much lesser degree, because his patches don't risk breaking this so much
ACTION: Talk to ricardo, deepak about the testsuites they are working on and their sense of priorities also
199$ HDMI + analog + audio capture card with linux support: http://
bootloader testing
- implement soft solution now, evaluate HW solutions to see if we can do this universally
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Paul Larson
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- None
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- None
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
HDMI catpture + celery + spare box = video archive for selected tests (I so wanted to do this) :)