Tune Skia Bench usage of libjpeg-turbo
A portion of skia-bench uses 565 and 8888 decode and potentially other ltj code paths. These are not optimied for arm and should be. This blueprint addresses gathering of initial performance numbers, profiling information with optimization actions.
Blueprint information
Related branches
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Roadmap id: MMWG2011-
Headline: Android skia-bench numbers have been improved through further optimization of commonly used libjpeg-turbo code paths.
tjbench numbers are not regressed. tjunittest passes. skia-bench numbers are improved.
Output: patches to 1.2-beta-
Work Items
Work items:
Gather baseline skia-bench numbers : DONE
Gather baseline profiling information via android : DONE
Apply past 565 and 8888 optimizations (for v6 arm) : DONE
tjunittest passes : DONE
tjbench has not regressed : DONE
new skia-bench numbers gathered: DONE
push to branch: DONE
integrate with Android ICS builds: DONE