Librecreate applications
What components are in librecreate, and what applications will fulfill these components? The final choice must be made quickly, by the following criteria:
-Already exist in the Ubuntu main or universe repository
-Be stable
-Be easy-to-use
-Have good documentation
-Have a well-established community
-Be popular
Possible components:
-Music manager (itunes-like)
-Photo manager
-Photo editing
-Movie Creator
-Song Creator
-Website Creator
-DVD Authoring
-Desktop Publishing
Music Manager
-Rythmbox is most likely. It's default in Ubuntu, well supported, and feature rich
-Banshee is another option
Photo Manager
-Shotwell is Ubuntu default, and very good
Photo editor
-GIMP (raster)
-Inkscape (vector)
Movie Creator
-Openshot is more feature rich
-PiTiVi has gotten good reviews, is easy to use, but is missing a lot of features
Song Creator
-Jokosher: the only basic music authoring program. Doesn't work, hasn't been updated in several years
-Qtractor seems to be a good compromise between the heavy-duty tools and something easy to use
Website Creator
Unsure at this point. Many options are available, but I can't find one that is in Ubuntu.
-Aptana studio 3
-Bluegriffon (open core)
-Bluefish editor (not wisywig)
DVD Authoring
(Both are relatively comparable)
Desktop publishing
See also:
Work Items
Dependency tree
* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.