Linaro Android sikuli integration in lava
Registered by
Jeremy Chang
For UI testing automation, sikuli is a great tool.
Sikuli is a visual technology to automate and test graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots). The test script is screenshot/image based.
Integrate Sikuli testing in LAVA.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Alexander Sack
- Priority:
- Medium
- Drafter:
- Jeremy Chang
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Jeremy Chang
- Definition:
- Discussion
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
Not started
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
Related branches
Related bugs
[asac Mar 19, 2010]: needs work items; needs to outline how CTS is built/integrated; medium priority for now; will be essential if we don't get this done by then; should have basic validation blueprint as a dependency; should have brief details in summary of blueprint. no milestone as we will set this once we decide to start this
Work Items:
Create integrated Android system testing project: DONE
-> https:/
Prepare bridge entries for LAVA: TODO