SD Card Mux
We've got a preliminary design for an SD card mux. We'll try and get some boards made and make this very useful tool a reality this cycle.
See notes at:
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Started
- Approver:
- Zach Pfeffer
- Priority:
- High
- Drafter:
- Zach Pfeffer
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Zach Pfeffer
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for obsolete
- Implementation:
Good progress
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Zach Pfeffer
- Completed by
Related branches
Related bugs
[2012/2/28 pfefferz] Put notes here.
[2012/3/8 zkrynicki] each SD card muxer must have unique serial number readable from the host. Without this they will be useless.
[2012/3/20 pfefferz] No they won't. The current design just routes an SD card to both an SD card programmer and a target. I want each board to be hooked to a mother PC that acts as a buffer between the target under test and the outside world so we can streamline the interface between the test controller and the test nodes.
[2012/3/27] Good progress. Waiting for boards. Will move this onto 12.04.
[2012/4/23 asac]: please move to lava-lab project with medium prio. thanks
[2012/4/30] Tracked in lava-lab. Moving off deck.
[2012/5/14] See https:/
Roadmap id: ANDROID2012-
Headline: Linaro has built the world's first SD card mux.
Acceptance: 10 SD card muxes that work
Work Items
Work items:
Design board: DONE
Make schematic: DONE
Get schematic reviewed: DONE
[x0132446] Do layout: DONE
Prepare slide deck: DONE
[x0132446] Get first boards: DONE
Write justification: TODO
[x0132446] Assemble: DONE
[x0132446] Test: DONE
[x0132446] Get second boards: INPROGRESS
[x0132446] Assemble second boards: TODO
[x0132446] Test second boards: TODO
Work with LAVA to integrate: TODO