Ubuntu LEB: extend LAVA usage
- Go over the current test cases and show what is currently tested
- How to hook Offspring builds into LAVA as soon they are completed?
- Supporting different test bundles across images and platforms
- Extending test support:
- Hardware support, such as wifi, bluetooth, sound
- Regression/smoke test for LEB images
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Ricardo Salveti
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- None
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Ricardo Salveti
- Definition:
- Discussion
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
Current tests for images:
(*) Only run in gui things
Future ideas:
ltp-ddt and other member tests
kernel acceptance test suite
gwg has additional tests we are pulling in
ACTION: Avik Sil to propose for merging
gl tests can be eliminated for boards that don't have driver support
- but we would rather run the test than not run something we should be
- tests could be modified to check if supported feature is enabled, and skip if it is not
linaro-leb test project - test suite for sanity/regression testing the linaro images, run daily. it could be acceptance tests?
- Image/Test combinations
ACTION: paul to disable natty related images at LAVA -> DONE
- How to hook Offspring builds into LAVA as soon they are completed?
- LOW: Offspring should avoid building hwpacks/images if nothing changed at the repository/PPAs
- HIGH: hook offspring with LAVA by changing offspring to send events/submit job to LAVA. It should be done after the sync to snapshots.
ACTION: fabo to talk with Infra/Offspring devs to know which changes are needed and when it can be deployed. Create a blueprint for this work.
- replace the current validation interface to have the combination list/test results
- the cron job that sends the job requests to lava can get the build id numbers and create something useful at snapshots.
- Supporting different test bundles across images and platforms
Need to make sure that lava doesn't get notified to do the test until after offspring has fully copied the file across
- Extending test support:
- Hardware support, such as wifi, bluetooth, sound
We can start with wifi AP
ACTION: fabo to get some tests
- Regression/smoke test for LEB images
- Scheduler will support tag (capabilities) to enable testing on a specific hw combination (like boards with usb storage, disks, etc)
Work Items
Dependency tree
* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.