LTTng Validation

Registered by David Zinman

Validation of LTTng tools at LAVA.

 * Test cases to validate LTTng submitted to LAVA
 * Able to validate the current LTTng tools available at the Overlay (normal images)
 * Able to validate the daily packages available at the Staging PPA

Blueprint information

Ricardo Salveti
Avik Sil
Series goal:
Accepted for 11.11
Milestone target:
milestone icon 11.10
Started by
Ricardo Salveti
Completed by
David Zinman

Related branches



[rsalveti, Oct 11, 2011] The additional test job that uses the daily packages should be similar with the normal one, but first enabling the staging ppa at the image and updating the lttng related packages before actually running the tests.
[asac, Oct 18, 2011]: blueprints needs comments on INPROGRESS items every other day; goal is that anyone looking at the whiteboard knows where we stand, what we are blocked on, what was decided/achieved, how things can be used etc.
[aviksil, Oct 19, 2011]: lttng-tools testsuite hangs on PandaBoard. m-l discussion is here:
[rsalveti, Oct 19, 2011]: I see from the discussion that's not hanging anymore, but still ended up with a failure. A failure should be fine for now, as it's probably not blocking this blueprint and neither the machine. You can work on fixing the remaining issues later on.
[aviksil, Oct 20, 2011]: The lttng-tools testsuite is quite extensive and covers tests of most of the features currently available. Hence I feel the available test cases are enough for now.
[aviksil, Oct 20, 2011]: Continuing with the above testsuite execution failure, I've written an out-of-tree lava test defintion with example job file that executes the lttng-tools testsuite. It is available here:
[aviksil, Oct 25, 2011]: plars plans to look at the integration after 11.10 release
[dzin, Nov 8, 2011]: break out postponed item to bug 888115. Mark as implemented.

Headline: LTTng 2.0 prerelease for ARM has been validated using distinct test cases.

Acceptance: LTTng 2.0 prerelease validated for ARM by running testsuites using LAVA framework


Work Items

Work items:
Identify a set of useful test cases to validate LTTng: DONE
Check if the already available test cases are enough already, if any: DONE
Improve/develop the test cases to be able to validate the tool: DONE
Create a test job at lava containing the test cases identified by previous WIs: DONE
Create a test job at lava that uses the daily packages available at the staging PPA: DONE
Announce the new test case once it's integrated at Lava: POSTPONED

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