Artwork tasks for Lubuntu 14.04
Artwork tasks for Lubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr).
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Lubuntu Artwork
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Lubuntu Artwork
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Lubuntu Artwork
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
=== GOALS FOR 14.04 ===
*) Continue to polish the theme.
=== NOTES ===
Example showing how to add work items:
[frankbooth] Show an example: DONE
From the dev team: If you need a name of an icon, please set the task as BLOCKED, and add request for the name of the icon in the label of the task. We will try to answer you as fast as we can.
[israeldahl] is Compton a better choice than xcompmgr?
[rafaellaguna] yes, xcompmgr isn't maintained anymore (only fix updates), compton development is very active; it has more options than xcompmgr and a daemon launch mode for memory saving
[Noskcaj] While not for 14.04, it would be nice if we had a dark or different coloured theme.
[rafaellaguna] I'm planning a dark variation, but it's a hard task (re-create ALL the glyphs). I found this accidentally, a fan-made tinted Box icon theme: http://
Work Items
Work items:
[viking.redwolf] (gtk3) progress bars: DONE
[viking.redwolf] (gtk3) fix toolbar-buttons (evince, etc) menu colour: DONE
[viking.redwolf] (icon) folders 32px size: DONE
[viking.redwolf] (icon) compton / compiz: POSTPONED
[viking.redwolf] (icon) gcolor2: POSTPONED
[viking.redwolf] (icon) scribus: POSTPONED
[viking.redwolf] (icon) mime epub: DONE
[viking.redwolf] (icon) gthumb: POSTPONED
[viking.redwolf] (icon) gucview: DONE
[viking.redwolf] (icon) grsync: POSTPONED
[viking.redwolf] (icon) samba: DONE
[viking.redwolf] (icon) input method methods: DONE
[viking.redwolf] (icon) keyboard and mouse: DONE
[viking.redwolf] (icon) network connections: DONE
[viking.redwolf] (icon) openbox configuration manager: DONE
[viking.redwolf] (icon) power manager: DONE
[viking.redwolf] (icon) system-preferences: INPROGRESS