Define Max Volumes limit at Flavor
This blueprint defines an idea to manage the no of volume's to be attached based on the flavor spec . As of currently we have a feature at nova to limit maximum number of volumes that can be attached to the single vm.
Problem Description:
With the current feature of limiting the no of volumes per vm level ( current limit 26 based on the libvirt driver ). This doesn't have the feature to restrict the volume's that can be attached to the vm based on vm specification (cpu, memory,io..etc ).
Need to have a model that limit no of volume's to be attached per vm based on the flavor spec( Adding 26 volumes to 2vcpu machine type doesn't make sense , considering the resource utilization of vm )
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- sean mooney
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- keerthivasan
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- keerthivasan
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
(sean-k-mooney): my initial feedback is the number of possible volumes is a function of the machine_type which is set in the image or nova config and the disk bus which is set in the image so its not correct to set a limit in the flavour.
so if we were to put a limit anywhere it probably should be in the image also.
creating a limit in the flavor feel more like a per instance/flavor based quota.
in general while the flavour is meant to console resocue usage its not meant to
change the behaviour of API action like volume attach.
so in general i don't think this si a good fit
(Keerthi): Thanks for the feedback, As of currently we have the no of volume attached per VM is only at nova config level specific to compute node or hypervisor. This approach sets a same config across all vm's in the hypervisor. From the user perspective , how can we restrict the limit on no of volumes to be attached per VM ?