Address Localization
In the United States, addresses are normal written "City, State ZIP Code"; whereas, in Europe, they are often written "ZIP Code City, State". (In both cases, Country is normal written last).
I propose that functionality be added to allow forms to be re-rendered in the format of the OpenERP user's locale, and that reports are re-rendered such that each individual address is shown in it's native locale.
I.e., a US Company selling to a German company would display the ship from in the format of "City, State ZIP Code", where as the ship to would display in the format "ZIP Code City, State"
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7 MAY 2010 - 1700 GMT-4
I've chosen to store the address localization within, and a functional field within res.partner.address which returns the formatted address, by evaluating the formatting stored within the associated object.
The result is that you may now place the localized address in an rml file with a tag like so:
<para style="
Rather than the current:
<para style="
<para style="
<para style="
<para style="
Yet to be done is to make the rml header conform to this, and to then update all the rml files.
Please pull the branch down, update an rml file or two, as I've outlined above, and let me know if it works for you.
7 MAY 2010 - 1900 GMT-4
Also, there is a lot of address format information here: