Methodology for an OpenERP start-up
OpenERP start-up projects methodology implemented on OpenERP
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- Status:
- Not started
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- None
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Ana Juaristi Olalde
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- None
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Unknown
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I would like to propose a methodology to implement on OpenERP, for controlling, planning and knowing costs of an OpenERP start-up or implementation project. Methodology for starting-up an ERP into a Customer is one more bussiness process that can be implemented on that ERP.
I would define 4 fases for an start-up or implementation project:
Bussiness process between consultancy enterprise and final customer.
Actors and Departments:
o Company: Sales Department, Consultancy Department, Development Department, Management.
o Prospect Customer: Management
* Business proccess:
o Salesman:
+ Contacts customer using different channels (e-mail, chat, phone) registering the result of contact on CRM
+ Salesman should register the preliminar needs of the prospect customer to elaborate the proposal
+ Salesman may need consultancy department help to make a functional offer --> Should open a task and assign to Consultancy Department
+ Salesman may need Development Department help to make a Hardware or Technical offer --> Should open a task and assign to Development Department.
o Consultancy:
+ Type of tasks on Presales Phase of an start-up project --> Preliminar bussiness analysis. Estimating, including and giving price of consultancy tasks during the implementation to include them on comercial proposal. Completing preanalysis of prospect customer: Requires customized developments? Required data migrations? Required Teaching? Required start-up support?
o Development:
+ Type of tasks on Presales Phase of an start-up project --> Estimating costs of harware (if needed) and software installing. Estimating cost of customized developments, Estimating cost of migrating data. Estimating cost of building customized reports.
o Salesman:
+ Make proposal draft, including prices and tasks received from consultancy and development. Send it to Manager to be approved. If manager approves the proposal, he sends it to prospect customer. If it's not correct, he should adjust it until the manager approves the proposal.
+ If customer accept proposal --> Sing-in the contract, begins the project
+ If customers does not accept --> make a new proposal until customer accepts or loose. Register on CRM the reasons of loosing project. Loosing reasons could be tipified.
* Actors and departments:
o Consultancy
o Development
o Customer
* Bussiness process
o Consultancy
+ Analize customer bussiness processes
+ Sends analysis to customer to be approved --> Launch workflow for analysis (Draft, Waiting internal approval, waiting customer approval, aproved, Canceled)
+ Make project planning: Define deliverables, define deadlines, define phases, define customer tasks, define consultancy tasks.
+ Send project planning to customer to be approved. --> Launch workflow for project planning (Draft, Waiting internal approval, waiting customer approval, aproved, Canceled)
+ Asign consultancy resources to project.
+ Asign project manager to project.
+ Define environments and start-up planing (migrating tasks, configuration tasks)
o Development
+ Finish customized development analysis
+ Finish migrating data analysis.
o Customer:
+ Accept or refuse documents (analysis, project planning, customized development analysis...)
+ Asign user roles on project
+ Asign project manager
+ Asign interlocutors on different departments.
+ Verify resources disponibilily and assing them to project
+ Validating and correcting analisys and other deliverables.
* Actors and departments
o Consultancy
o Development
o Customer (Manager, asigned resources on each department)
* Bussiness process
o Development
+ Develop customized modules --> Launch Development Subproject with all their phases.
+ Migrating data --> Launch Migration Subproject with all their phases
o Consultancy
+ A day on customers office:
Type of task to do on customers office during implementation:
+ Develop customers process in OpenERP's workflows/processes
+ Create user groups and roles and attach to the be created system-users
+ Teach different modules
+ Practice with users
+ Validate migrated data
+ Validate customized modules or developments.
+ Detecting new development --> launch a new workflow for a development subproject.
+ Detecting new modules required --> Launch a new workflow for a consultancy subproject
+ Project evolution meetings
Type of task to do on company office during implementation
+ Project evolution meetings planning
+ Planning evolution and desviations controls.
+ Project cost control
+ Project risk control
o Customer
+ Project evolution meetings planning
+ Planning evolution and desviations controls.
+ Project cost control
+ Project risk control
+ Validate data migration
+ Validate customized modules
+ Validate teaching
* Actors and Departments
o Consultancy
o Development
o Customer (Manager, asigned resources on each department)
* Bussiness process
o Development
+ Migrating data to real/production environment
+ Installing customized modules on real/production environment
o Consultancy
+ Start-Up support to every department thats going to start-up.
+ Validate configuration and master data.
+ Validate at last a complet cicle of each one of the bussiness processes started-up with the customers resources.
o Customer
+ Begins working with application on real environment.
FASE 5: End of implantation Project
* Actors and Dpartments:
o Company manager
o Consultancy
o Salesman
o Customer managers
* Sign the start-up of different departments or areas.
* Final meeting and conclusions
* Beginning if it is necesary next project pre-implementation phase task definition
I think it is possible to implement on OpenERP in a very easy way, defining correct tasks, roles, tast types, projects, subprojects and so on.
Wishing you will like it...
Thank you very much: