How can I use a numpad dot(.) as decimal sign (when is set to comma(,))
In some languajes we use the comma as a decimal separator, but the keyboards have a dot in the numpad, this is very unpractical as I have to move my hand from the numpad to the "," key and then back to the numpad to type the decimals.
Many software like OpenOffice calc have this issue solved, I don't know who to do this in python or OpenERP, but in delphi it is very simple:
On the application event's "OnKeyDown", I scan the key code, if this scan code is VK_DECIMAL (identifier for numpad dot key) I change this for "decimal_separator" (global variable with value "comma").
This is a minimal change, but results in better useability and funcionality.
Also works for web client.
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Really, is an essential feature, and I think, the openerp software, does not give good image, if something as simple and characteristic failure (think if you are a customer on a demo) --> USEABILITY = BASIC
In this post (in spanish) I found a "hard" solution (only for windows): http://
Alexis de Lattre says :
Here is what I just found :
- if, on the language configuration, you have :
* decimal separator = ,
* thousands separator = .
then, in the Gtk client 6.1, it won't do the automatic remplacement to "," when you type "." as decimal separator
- if, on the language configuration, you have :
* decimal separator = ,
* thousands separator =
then, in the Gtk client 6.1 (and 6.0 too), it WILL do the automatic replacement to "," when you type "." as decimal separator.
In fact, I find it a good solution.
I am now trying to use "space" as thousands separator, which is the case for fr_FR. But it's not working for the moment, cf https:/