[Mac] Provide archive (DMG or zip) file with 32bit dependencies for Phatch
This is the mac equivalent of https:/
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Started
- Approver:
- Stani
- Priority:
- High
- Drafter:
- robinmills
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- robinmills
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for 0.2
- Implementation:
- Good progress
- Milestone target:
- 0.2.8
- Started by
- Stani
- Completed by
Related branches
Related bugs
20100326 23:17:50PDT
Updated. Added libexiv2.5.dylib (for use with libpyexiv2.so).
ReadMe.txt updated to discuss libexiv2.5.dylib and unresolved issues with PIL.
ReadMe.txt fixed some typos. Added warning discussion about install_name.
20100325 23:13:43PDT
Please see ReadMe.txt for lots more information about this.
I have discovered in the final assembly of this that I am confused about the state of PIL in this delivery.
I'll revisit this on 20100326 and update appropriately.
Binaries of dcraw can be found here http://
Binaries of imagemagick can be found here (only use Q8, phatch PIL supports 8 bit only)
20100323 18:06:00PDT
Here's the plan (comments welcome)
1) Obtain all the necessary code/installers whatever
2) Build all the code modules as Mac universal builds, document and publish the builds one at a time on clanmills.com
3) Find out any hidden/surprising dependancies and deal with them
4) Write a bash script to collect them all together into a single archive (a DMG probably) and publish on clanmills.com
5) Provide documentation on how to make executables run from a bundle when their dependant libraries and not in /usr/... directories.
Known/Suspected needs
32 BIT Sources (in priority of importance)
- pyexiv2 (Robin) published
- libjpeg (Robin) published (in jpegtran)
- jpegtran (Robin) published
- tiffinfo and tiffcp (Robin) started
- dcraw (Robin) started
- lcms (Robin) started
- PIL (1.1.7) Robin (started)
- Imagemagick (Robin) Stani has provided URL
- Blender 2.49b (Robin) Not started
- inkscape 0.47 (Robin) Not started
- wxPython (Robin) Not started
- Python 2.6.4 (Robin) Not started
Step2 (updated: 20100324 23:24:16PDT)
The following builds are complete. To be tested, zipped and published
- exiv2
- lcms
- libjpeg
- tiffcp & tiffinfo
- libtiff
- dcraw
- Pil 1.1.7
- jpegtran - DONE (Robin) http://
- pyexiv2 - DONE (Robin) http://
Step3 (complete)
- go over all the executables and identify and build all dependances as Mac UNIVERSAL builds where possible
- Mac UNIVERSAL build is a ppc/i386/x86_64 binary
- x86_64 isn't needed directly by Phatch, however can be used by executables
- for example jpegran is standalone executable and uses /usr/local/
Step 4 (not started)
- script to collect everything into a single location and publish on the web (Robin) Not started
Step 5 (not started)
- Documentation on how to run executables from inside a bundle without installing their dependant libraries in /usr/xxxxx