Support modifying volume image meta data
This BP is actually the following up of this BP (https:/
The final approach which seems everyone happy is,
(1)require a copy the config file to both cinder and glance, the config file here is the file used by glance for role based access control purpose on specific properties (deployer need to keep these in sync).
(2)sync the protected properties code from glance into cinder (glance are happy to take code cleanups that make this easier).
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Sean McGinnis
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Dave Chen
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Dave Chen
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Dave Chen
- Completed by
- Dave Chen
Gerrit topic: https:/
IRC meeting,
20:29:21 <markwash> I'm definitely +2 on cinder adopting a similar mechanism to property protections and copying the config over operationally
20:29:30 <DuncanT> Cinder having a copy of the config file works, but then we'd like to share some of the enforcement code from glance (otherwise we're likely to be running into bugs galore), so is glance open to any code cleanup that might be needed to allow cinder to share the code? (periodic sync should do fine for sharing)
20:29:32 <markwash> I'd love to have a better answer, but that one incurs no extra debt from my perspective
20:29:51 <markwash> code cleanup is good :-)
20:29:59 <jokke_> +1 for cleanup
20:30:15 <markwash> its probably a good idea to have some reasonably good cross-openstack way of implementing some protections around such properties
20:32:12 <fmaldonado_> The only scenario that nova needs any change is if we want to make volume metadata being available for scheduling purposes. But that is not what volume meta is for, right?
20:32:30 <DuncanT> Ok, cool so if code & conf sharing looks like a reasonable plan then we're good to try that
20:32:45 <rosmaita> +1
20:32:47 <markwash> cool
20:32:54 <DuncanT> fmaldonado_: volume glance meta is for all of the same things glance properties are for
20:33:22 <markwash> seems like a positive approach for everybody, and glance just needs to be ready for some patches that might move things around some
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
This is Cinder Client specific changes for modifying volume and snapshot's image metadata.
Addressed by: https:/
Add commands to show image metadata