Current documentation for “Reformed Churches Locator”
To classify a blueprint as documentation, set the Implementation status to “Informational” When the blueprint's Definition status is marked “Approved”, it will appear in this listing.
for Reformed Churches Locator
Introduce TurboGears, CaneyPUGgies wiki, Reformed Churches Locator (Launchpad), Ubuntu, and create RCL app.
Get familiarized with Reformed Churches Locator on Launchpad
for Reformed Churches Locator
Get familiarized with Reformed Churches Locator on Launchpad at http://
Overview of desired features
for Reformed Churches Locator
Reformed Churches Locator is a web application that provides a filterable map and directory of all reformed churches in the world, broken down into denominational and other groupings. It aggregates churches' contact info via RSS feeds from various sources, and provides a widget that can be integrated into a website...
View TurboGears "20 Minute Wiki" video
for Reformed Churches Locator
View the "TurboGears 20 Minute Wiki" video to get an idea of what TurboGears is.
Create new TurboGears 2.1 app on Webfaction for RCL
for Reformed Churches Locator
Create new TurboGears 2.1 app on Webfaction for RCL.
List desirable feeds
for Reformed Churches Locator
List the first set of feeds for which plugins should be created:
RSS - from other Reformed Churches Locator sites
PresbyterySite - HTML pages - -
Reformed Churches Worldwide -
Get customized Ubuntu programming environment
for Reformed Churches Locator
Get customized Ubuntu programming environment at
Get familiarized with the CaneyPUGgies Trac wiki
for Reformed Churches Locator
Get familiarized with the CaneyPUGgies Trac wiki at
Commit code to Bazaar repository
for Reformed Churches Locator
Commit code to Bazaar repository.
Push code to trunk on Launchpad
for Reformed Churches Locator
Push code to trunk on Launchpad.
10 blueprint(s) listed.