DONE - Pick a color scheme from .
DONE -After picking & downloading a color scheme, integrate it into an installation of & in our virtualenv. This step is done with the theme named "Trontastic," but I think Mona picked a different theme than Trontastic, so she'll need to follow the instructions in revision 44, linked to below.
DONE - Document for other CaneyPUGgies members how they can install tw.jquery on the wiki: within your activated virtualenv (named "tg21env"), run "easy_install tw.jquery tw.uitheme".
DONE: Then figure out whether the color scheme needs to go into rcl/public (which I think is the case), or needs to go into tg21env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/tw.uitheme (which I doubt). Update: It only goes into rcl/public if we want to use a custom theme not included in tw.uitheme. More instructions on how to properly select a theme are here:
Then either
1) apply the correct jQueryUI theme CSS classes to HTML elements throughout our templates to get that theme's colors & styles (this is the best method), or
2) hard-code the jQueryUI theme's colors into public/css/style.css (I really hope we don't have to use this method, because it will prevent us from easily switching to a new jQueryUI theme). If 2) is necessary, we may have to hard-code those colors into the Blueprint CSS .css files once we get to the point where we use Blueprint.
Use to figure out what other colors coordinate with the chosen color scheme if we need to make highlights, etc.