scaling the baremetal
via ironic scaling baremetal is posible and we should have.
Before we scale the baremetal cluster of Senlin, we need a Ironic driver for Senlin.
So my understanding.
1 Define and Design an Ironic Plugin for Senlin
Refer some baremetal APIs http://
2 Define a profile file for baremetal host
3 Define Policy file for baremetal to Scale (in,out, up, down)
4 Define flow and APIs with details to code and test
5 Approve and start coding to get Ironic hosts cluster working through Senlin
6. Besides the senlin service itself,we could reference use cases and even design from other projects bifrost and kolla.
- bifrost: bifrost consists of Ansible playbooks for running Ironic standalone
- kolla: running bifrost in docker.
This BP has been here for 18 months ... anyone wants to pick it up?
[Yongli He]
Prakash(<email address hidden>) recently interesting to get it progress.
[XueFeng 20170209]
I think this is a important BP.