Linaro Connect Q2.12 Requirements

Registered by Chris Johnston

Requirements for Summit by LCQ2.12

Some notes:

We would like to do a feature freeze one month prior to events. It is understood that due to the short time span between LCQ1.12 and UDS-Q that this may need to be 2 weeks prior to UDS.

Session notes can be found at:

Blueprint information

Joey Stanford
Chris Johnston
Summit Hackers
Series goal:
Accepted for summit-2012
Milestone target:
milestone icon lcq2-12
Started by
Chris Johnston
Completed by
Chris Johnston


[danilo, 2012-05-15] What do you expect Linaro Infrastructure to do about the theme? We are not designers :)
[chrisjohnston, 2012-05-15] Implementation...
[danilo, 2012-05-15] One thing is certain, we can't implement this by the deadline that was set (today), having learned about it today in the morning.


Work Items

Work items:
[cjohnston] 929083 - Propose to engineering to remove the requirement of creating a blueprint specifically for creating a meeting in LC, instead, creating a meeting in summit and being able to link to (relevant) blueprint(s): DONE
[cjohnston] 929083 - Propose to engineering to remove the requirement of creating a blueprint specifically for creating a meeting in LC, instead, creating a meeting in summit and being able to link to (relevant) blueprint(s): DONE
[cjohnston] 929083 - Open up creating meetings to all attendees (physical and remote) in summit: DONE
[cjohnston] 929083 - Using dropdowns or predefined selections, create the unique machine name: DONE
[cjohnston] 929083 - Create an approval method where a newly proposed meeting needs to be approved or denied prior to being scheduled: DONE
[cjohnston] 929083 - Create a view for TLs to approve meetings in their tracks: DONE
[cjohnston] 929170 - Separate out the Ubuntu and Linaro template files, allowing for further customization of the theme for each: DONE
[cjohnston] Be able to create repeating sessions (i.e. a hackfest every afternoon): DONE
[mhall119] Allow TLs and above to modify the schedule prior to the start of the event: DONE
Allow for scheduling meetings outside of normal slots while only displaying the "regular day" on the different views, unless you are attending a session outside of a normal slot: POSTPONED
Set up busy times so that the autoscheduler/rescheduler can account for a user not being available on a day or at a certain time: POSTPONED
Add the ability for private meetings to be autoscheduled if the meeting time does not matter, but allow it to require a manual schedule by Arwen if it does: POSTPONED
929084 - Set up summit to send an email to someone when a private meeting is scheduled, notifying them that the meeting exists and was scheduled: POSTPONED
929084 - Allow for adding email addresses for required participant who are non-Launchpad users: POSTPONED
929084 - Email non-Launchpad user to tell them about the meeting: POSTPONED
929084 - Set up summit to send an email to a registered attendee of a meeting if that meeting is now scheduled within the next "X" number of hours to notify them of the change: POSTPONED
929084 - Allow a user to unsubscribe from email notifications on a per meeting and per summit basis: POSTPONED
929084 - Allow for a user to set the email address that they want notified independent of their registered Launchpad email: POSTPONED
929084 - Email a user if they are double booked and required in both sessions: POSTPONED
[linaro-infrastructure] 929170 - Implement the theme for Linaro on Summit: POSTPONED
[linaro-infrastructure] 929170 - Design a theme for Linaro on Summit: TODO
[linaro-infrastructure] 929170 - Design a theme for Linaro on Summit: POSTPONED
Create a script to notify if there are blueprints that are not being imported due to an error (most likely to be run locally): POSTPONED