Ubuntu Reminders app development
Development plan for the Ubuntu Reminders app, powered by Evernote
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- None
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- None
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Ubuntu Notes app developers
- Definition:
- Drafting
- Series goal:
- Accepted for coreapps-14.04
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
Related branches
Related bugs
- Design brief [1]
- User stories [2]
- Wireframes [3]
- Wiki page [4]
- Burn-down chart [5]
[1] https:/
[2] https:/
[3] https:/
[4] https:/
[5] http://
Work Items
Work items:
[dpm] Set up initial team of developers and ensure they've signed the CLA: DONE
[dpm] Schedule kickoff development meeting: DONE
[dpm] Set up reminders app Launchpad project: DONE
[dpm] Set up reminders app blueprint: DONE
[dpm] Set up code branch for the reminders app in Launchpad: DONE
[popey] Set up reminders app milestones: DONE
[mhall119] Set up burn-down chart: DONE
[dpm] Set up an Online Accounts Evernote authentication plugin: DONE
[mzanetti] Create the initial Evernote API QML plugin in C++: DONE
[mzanetti] Evernote plugin: create proper notes class: DONE
[mzanetti] Evernote plugin: use SSL for communication with the Evernote service: DONE
[mzanetti] Evernote plugin: enable write access (add note, edit note etc): DONE
[mzanetti] Evernote plugin: provide a way to compile/run it on the phone: DONE
[mardy] merge lp:account-plugin-evernote into lp:reminders-app: DONE
[dannioliver] Provide design brief and scope: DONE
[dannioliver] Come up with branding logo for app: DONE
[mzanetti] Get a list of notes from the Evernote API and display them: DONE
[mzanetti] Research how we can use the Evernote Reminders API from a QML app: DONE
[dpm] Research how we can use the Evernote Reminders API from a QML app: DONE
[popey] Create a wiki page for the reminders app, including the designs: DONE
[popey] Add a link to the Reminders wiki page in the Launchpad project's home page: DONE
[nik90] Create notes list view: DONE
[rottinrob] Create notebooks list view: DONE
[jkeyes0] Create reminders list view: DONE
[mzanetti] Create initial note composer view: DONE
Work items for coreapps-
[mzanetti] Research how we can upload pictures from a QML app using the Evernote API: DONE
[dpm] Rename auth plugin from Evernote to Evernote Sandbox: DONE
[dannioliver] Review design of app: DONE
[mzanetti] Create search for notes view: DONE
[mzanetti] Create note detail view: DONE
[mzanetti] Create ENML, HTML, RichText, Plaintext converter: DONE
Work items for coreapps-
[dpm] Submit app to design team for review: DONE
[sergiusens] Create a click package: DONE
[sergiusens] Upload click package to the store: DONE
[dpm] Get approval to include the click package in the default image: TODO
[popey] Add landing ask to include the click package in the default image: TODO
[dpm] Change the authentication plugin to remove the shared API key: TODO
[nskaggs] Create initial testing setup: TODO
[nskaggs] Create test for logging into Evernote: TODO
[nskaggs] Create test to upload a note to Evernote: TODO
[nskaggs] Create test to download a note from Evernote: TODO
[nskaggs] Create test to download a list of notebooks from Evernote: TODO
Work items for coreapps-
[popey] Get MWC script for features expected for demos: INPROGRESS
Work items for coreapps-
[mzanetti] Move the Save and cancel buttons to the top of the OSK: DONE
[mzanetti] Evernote plugin: create a reminders model: DONE
[mzanetti] Evernote plugin: bring api's of existing model up to par with what the evernote API provides: DONE
[mzanetti] Implement some useful parts of the UserStore (username etc): DONE
[mzanetti] Create note composer content picker view: DONE
[mzanetti] Create note formatting view: DONE
[mzanetti] Create picture taking view (maybe launch camera app?): DONE
[mzanetti] Create notebook creation view: DONE
[mzanetti] Create reminder date/time selection view: DONE
Work items for coreapps-
[nskaggs] Upload Reminders 0.4 to the store: DONE
[popey] Review and test Reminders 0.4 upload from the store and approve/reject it as appropriate: DONE
[mzanetti] Create reminder creation view: DONE
[dannioliver] Provide tablet designs for at least two views: DONE
[mzanetti] Investigate and try to fix content hub issues (bug #1277557): DONE
[mzanetti] add tablet form factor: DONE
Work items for coreapps-
[mzanetti] Implement tablet views: DONE
[nskaggs] Upload Reminders 0.5 to the store: DONE
[popey] Review and test Reminders 0.5 upload from the store and approve/reject it as appropriate: DONE
Work items for coreapps-
Placeholder: TODO
Work items for coreapps-
[dpm] Sync up with Lucas on the status of the visual designs: DONE
Work items for coreapps-
[rpadovani] Show activity indication when downloading the list of notes: INPROGRESS
[rpadovani] Show activity indication when downloading image previews in the notes list: BLOCKED
Work items for coreapps-
[mzanetti] Show warning about no connection to the net (or to the Evernote server) on startup: INPROGRESS
[mzanetti] Show warning about no connection to the net (or to the Evernote server) when performing actions such as adding a note: INPROGRESS
[mzanetti] Add more error states in the Evernote plugin: TODO
[rpadovani] Show error notification states in the frontend: INPROGRESS
[popey] Follow up with didrocks on the deadline for the first inclusion to the image: TODO
[dpm] Follow up with David Pitkin on switching to the Evernote production server: INPROGRESS
[dpm] Follow up with Dani on notification on error messages: DONE
Work items for coreapps-
Placeholder: TODO
Work items for coreapps-
Placeholder: TODO
Work items for coreapps-
Placeholder: TODO