SDK for HTML5 app deverlopers
Discuss the SDK components for HTML5 app developers:
- quick update on the HTML5 UI toolkit: supported widgets, what's next
- improvements for HTML5 SDK (responsiveness, rendering accuracy, etc.)
- plans for exposing more SDK APIs in Javascript, in sync with the QML APIs
- Cordova support for creating Ubuntu apps
- also discuss ideas on how to add support for more HTML5 toolkits on Ubuntu, as the Desktop of choice for developers
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Pat McGowan
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- David Barth
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Alexandre Abreu
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for trusty
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- ubuntu-14.04
- Started by
- Completed by
We have agreed to the following key deadlines:
== December 25th ==
* Single HTML5 template in the Ubuntu SDK with a consolidated container.
* Neccessary Qt Creator functionality to edit, save, and run the template, so it is useful (running on a device is NOT a requirement).
* The template will provide full access to the device features via Cordova.
* The template will NOT provide access to Javascript Ubuntu platform APIs.
== January 31st ==
* Full Ubuntu platform APIs available that match the APIs in QML.
* Qt Creator support to run HTML5 apps on the device (includes generating a click package and deploying to a device).
* Revised tutorial, full API documentation, and updated cookbook integrated into developer.
tl;dr: at the end of January, this functionality will be ready in the development snapshot of the SDK.
Work Items
Work items for ubuntu-13.11:
merge project type in the qtcreator plugin: DONE
cordova 3.3 support in Ubuntu: DONE
Work items for ubuntu-13.12:
merge single HTML5 project template: DONE
research way to surface APIs in JS: DONE
[abreu-alexandre] create dedicated HTML5 container: DONE
update HTML5 documentation: DONE
[abreu-alexandre] add device feature examples in the project template: DONE
[abreu-alexandre] add device aspects to template: DONE
[zaspire] upstream cordova-ubuntu & cordova-cli change: DONE
document new Ubuntu support in Cordova: DONE
Work items for ubuntu-14.01:
[zaspire] cordova cross compilation support: DONE
[zaspire] fix cordova-ubuntu 2.8: POSTPONED
update cordova docs & prep for 3.4 release: DONE
[abreu-alexandre] add support for content-hub SDK API in the JS environement on the html5 app: DONE
[mardy] add support for online accounts SDK API in the JS environement on the html5 app: DONE
add QtCreator support for running HTML5 apps on the phone: DONE
[mhall119] publish HTML5 doc update on d.u.c: DONE
Work items for ubuntu-14.02:
add support for form-factor SDK API in the JS environement on the html5 app: TODO
define possible html5 apps settings (qml or other): TODO
generalize support for other Platform APIs: TODO
Work items for ubuntu-14.03:
[dpm] Placeholder work item: TODO
Work items for ubuntu-14.04:
[dpm] Placeholder work item: TODO
Dependency tree
* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.