Quickly 13.04 Plans
Quickly is the recommended quick start development tool. It's important to keep it up to date and useful.
Specifically this cycle, a big focus will be porting to Python 3 for both managed projects and Quickly itself.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Didier Roche-Tolomelli
- Priority:
- Low
- Drafter:
- Michael Terry
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Michael Terry
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- Accepted for raring
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
See previous cycle's blueprint at https:/
Port to python3
Documentation of Quickly: http://
Quickly 0.4: http://
Proposed code:
Quickly community templates that might need to be ported: https:/
Work Items
Work items:
[mhall119] Recruit community hackers to help with the reboot: DONE
[mhall119] Document the internals of the rebooted code for contributors: POSTPONED
[mhall119] Finish quickly.core (with community help): DONE
[mhall119] Drop flash template: POSTPONED
[mhall119] Create new series on lp:quickly: DONE
[mhall119] Follow up with racarr about webapps template: POSTPONED
[thp] Fix gettext use (use named variables): DONE
[mhall119] Create a PkgmeCommand that calls pkgme: POSTPONED
[mhall119] Move re-usable commands into a common location: DONE