Incremental apt updates using zsync
[SoC2007] Add support to apt to download only the bits that have changed in a package or in a list file. Make use of the apt-sync SoC project for this and provide proper support on the server for this.
Blueprint information
Related branches
2006-11-03 GPLed: Make a release goal, doesn't need BOF discussion
From version 0.44 and up apt itself has this feature. apt can now handle pdiffs which are essentially package diffs. It's currently in place in Debian Etch and Sid for daily package builds.
2006-11-03 sladen: pdiff solves incrementally updating a Packages list, between two specific and recent versions, however the pdiff support is not a generic solution. 'apt-sync' allows efficient incrementally updating the *contents* of a package between *any* current version, to the latest version, in the most bandwidth efficient manner possible. Agreed that it doesn't require BOF discussion.
2006-11-03 GPLed: Great then, what are we waiting for? I just hope it gets accepted by Debian.
2006-11-27: code in http://
2007-06-13 Felix Feyertag:
Branch available: https:/
Feisty->Gutsy dist-upgrade log available: http://
Anyone like to host an aptsync repository?