UI and Test Heads discussion for ARM

Registered by Alexander Sack

* make test and benchmark tools for graphics available for linaro
* if time permits, look into producing heads for automatic daily test execution

Blueprint information

Alexander Sack
Alexandros Frantzis
Needs approval
Alexandros Frantzis
Series goal:
Accepted for maverick
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-10.10
Started by
Alexander Sack
Completed by
Alexander Sack

Related branches



asac - retargetting overall blueprint against final 10.10
asac - decision for minimal GTK+ head is linaro-alip
asac - unity based testhead is linaro-netbook-unity seed (similarly done as linaro-netbook-efl)
asac - qt based testhead was decided to be plasma

[asac Jun 10]: the storage and submission format is covered by automated-testing framework spec. I checked with plars and that should be ok
[asac Jun 10]: browser page rendering performance benchmark is covered in arm-m-webkit-and-browser-performance - not much we can do on browser side that could directly measure graphics rendering - which should be done in the cairo/phoronix etc. benchmarks directly.
[asac Jun 10]: i ensured that scott is aware of the idea to make HW components avialable independtly from the images; we will work on this as we go - though not in the first roundtrip.
[asac Jun 10]: changed qgears work item to make avialable in protected location (no licensing)
[asac Jun 10]: movd a bunch of items to beta - most transformers to test automation dashboard which isnt feature freeze relevant.
[asac Jun 10]: sponsored renderbench to ubuntu; sponsored glmemperf to ubuntu
[alf Jun 30]: Uploaded qgears2 benchmark packages to a private location for licensing reasons (https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~afrantzis/qgears2/)
[alf Jul 1]: Forwarded packaging changes needed for cairo-perf-trace and friends to Debian.
[alf Jul 2]: Created and uploaded to ppa:afrantzis/benchmarks a native package of es2gears (while waiting for debian/ubuntu mesa packages to be upgraded to a version containing this program).
[alf Jul 7]: Decided to go with glmark benchmark instead of turning NeHe tutorials to benchmarks. The ongoing effort of porting it to ES 2.0 is at lp:~afrantzis/+junk/glmark-es2-port.
[alf Jul 14]: Started writing test definitions. They are in lp:~afrantzis/abrek/alf-testdefs, until it is decided how to handle them.
[alf Jul 15]: es2gears patches accepted in upstream mesa-demos (fdo #28790). Keeping package in PPA until debian/ubuntu upgrade.
[alf Jul 15]: glmark2 (ES 2.0 port of glmark) released! (https://launchpad.net/glmark2)
[alf Jul 29]: glmark2 package ready for review (LP: #605901 http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/glmark2)
[alf Aug 2]: Added test result parsers for existing test definitions (lp:~afrantzis/abrek/alf-testdefs).
[alf Aug 3]: moved a few items to beta; lets move more tomorrow if not done ;),
[alf Aug 3]: Updated and pushed to debian cairo packaging to produce packages for perf utils (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=587771)
[alf Sep 6]: cairo-perf packaging changes will not make it to archive this cycle (waiting for debian sync). Currently placed in ppa:afrantzis/staging.
[alf Sep 10]: the cairo-perf saga ends with an unexpected turn of events, as ubuntu syncs cairo-1.10 from debian (including the
cairo-perf patches) \o/

[alf Oct 08]: es2gears is now in overlay ppa

Work items (maverick-alpha-2):
Decide (with QA infrastructure team) on a test definition (including normalized benchmark output) format: DONE
Package x11perf and make it available in the archive: DONE
Package gtkperf and make it available in the archive: DONE
Package render_bench and make it available in the archive: DONE
Package qgears2 and make it available on chinstrap (aka private location): DONE
Package glmemperf and make it available in the archive: DONE
Port glxgears to OpenGL ES 2.0: DONE
Create or find some Clutter benchmarks: DONE
Package Clutter benchmarks and make them available in the ppa: DONE

Work items (maverick-alpha-3):
[asac] Validate x11perf package: DONE
[asac] Validate gtkperf package: DONE
[asac] Validate render_bench package: DONE
Validate qgears2 package: DONE
Validate glxgears ES 2.0 package: DONE
Validate Clutter benchmarks package: DONE
Create or reuse sample cairo traces covering common uses cases: DONE
Port glmark benchmark to OpenGL ES 2.0: DONE
Validate glmark OpenGL ES 2.0 benchmarks package: DONE
Write test definition for x11perf: DONE
Normalize x11perf benchmark output to adhere to the decided format: DONE
Write test definition for gtkperf: DONE
Normalize gtkperf benchmark output to adhere to the decided format: DONE
Write test definition for render_bench: DONE
Normalize render_bench benchmark output to adhere to the decided format: DONE
Write test definition for glxgears ES 2.0: DONE
Write test definition for glmemperf: DONE
Normalize glmemperf benchmark output to adhere to the decided format: DONE

Work items (ubuntu-10.10-beta):
Package ported glmark OpenGL ES 2.0 benchmark and make it available in the archive: DONE
Validate glmemperf package: DONE
Normalize glxgears ES 2.0 benchmark output to adhere to the decided format: DONE
Decide on the exact components to include in a minimal GTK+ based UI/Test Head: DONE
Package and make available in archive the minimal GTK+ based UI/Test Head: DONE
Decide on the exact components to include in the Unity based UI/Test Head: DONE
Write test definition for qgears2: DONE
Normalize qgears2 benchmark output to adhere to the decided format: DONE
Write test definition for glmark2 OpenGL ES 2.0 benchmarks: DONE
Normalize glmark2 OpenGL ES 2.0 benchmark output to adhere to the decided format: DONE
Write test definition for Clutter benchmarks: DONE
Normalize Clutter benchmark output to adhere to the decided format: DONE
Write test definition for cairo-trace/cairo-perf-trace (with automatic download of traces): POSTPONE
Normalize cairo-trace/cairo-perf-trace benchmark output to adhere to the decided format: POSTPONE

Work Items:
Package cairo-trace/cairo-perf-trace and make it available in a ppa: DONE
Validate cairo-trace/cairo-perf-trace package: DONE
Validate the packaged minimal GTK+ based UI/Test Head: DONE
Decide on the exact components to include in a QT based UI/Test Head: DONE
Package and make available in archive the QT based UI/Test Head: DONE
Validate the packaged QT based UI/Test Head: DONE
Package ported glxgears ES 2.0 and make it available in the archive: DONE
Package and make available in the archive the Unity based UI/Test Head: TODO
Validate the Unity based UI/Test Head: TODO
[asac] Communicate to QA infrastructure our needs for browser benchmarks that focus on page rendering (graphics) performance: DONE
[asac] Communicate to QA infrastructure our needs with regards to benchmark reporting, storage and processing: DONE
[asac] Communicate to infrastructure team our needs for a tool that allows easy creation of images containing arbitrary versions of HW and UI components: DONE


Work Items

Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.