Unity8 launcher UI work, 14.10 tasks.

Registered by Michał Sawicz

This blueprint captures the relevant ui features around the Unity8 launcher.

Blueprint information

Not started
kevin gunn
Unity Team
Needs approval
Unity UI Team
Series goal:
Proposed for utopic
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-14.10




Work Items

Work items for ubuntu-14.05:
[ted] Implement DBus API fo setting counters on launcher items: DONE

Work items for later:
Fix snapping bug in Qt ListView affecting Launcher implementation (take 2, first solution wasn't good for upstream and convinced us it's not good either): POSTPONED
Get fix snapping bug in Qt ListView accepted in upstream Qt: POSTPONED
App installation animation: TODO
App launching animation: TODO
App alert signal, icon pops out of hidden launcher & wobbles: TODO
drop to add to launcher' msg (Drag'n'drop across launcher boundry requires MIR integration landed): BLOCKED
Persistent app alert signal, for phone pip or triangle to left appears: TODO
Highlight drop receptacles for selected items, e.g. select web text to drop into a word doc: TODO
support for launching apps in a "locked" state with multiple user: BLOCKED
Trash empty animation (trash on phone?): BLOCKED
touch gesture to 'locked out' launcher, like extended drag: BLOCKED
dim icons when Dash open (doesn't make sense for phone?): BLOCKED
temp unfold on launch (low prioirty, only on locked out launcher? not doing locked out launcher on 13.10): TODO
add visual indications of running apps (not a req today for phone): BLOCKED
On autopilot, if you drag the launcher using a single move event, Launcher can end up displaced by N pixels to the right (detached from the left edge). Find out why and fix it: TODO

Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.

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