Quality in a rolling release world
The development cycle has changed in many ways since precise. With the advent of a potential rolling release, it's time to talk about the how we can adapt to better contribute in the changing landscape.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Jono Bacon
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- None
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- None
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- Accepted for raring
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
Cadence Weekshttp:
Rolling Release
Rolling Release Stability
How do we keep the LTS stable?
more SRU's, more updates
How do we do SRU's?
Will it change to include new releases, as opposed to just bugfixes?
How does this all affect the other flavors?
Depends if they chose LTS or rolling release
That would require re-defining what an SRU is; we have traditionally been a tad more liberal with SRUs to LTSes given their nature, so if we are only going to have LTSes we should define this more clearly
What will the foundation be for the flavors and what will the flavors have to worry about support-wise?
Do we like monthly images/
How much testing makes sense for a monthly snapshot image?
month to month upgrade testing?
month to current upgrade?
Going from image testing to upgrade testing mentality
how much post-install testing from automated upgrades go on?
Daily Images
LTS and rolling
Monthly Images
Autopilot testing after upgrade?
unify the iso post-isntall and post-upgrade tests, i. e. run the same set on both (plus a few extra ones after upgrade, such as "right kernel?")
LTS -> Monthly snapshot ?
Monthly snapshot -> Monthly snapshot (today)
Daily -> monthly snapshot?
LTS -> rolling needs to work anyway as we accumulate upgrade fixes for next LTS -> LTS, so we might just as well test and fix that everyday; that would imply the monthlies
Work Items
Work items for ubuntu-
[nskaggs] Plan and communicate next cycles changes for quality; according to release schedule, and teach board decisions: DONE
Work items:
[nskaggs] follow up with jibel to see how to improve upgrade testing: POSTPONED
[pwlars] Ensure that we have the right set of automated upgrade tests in place: POSTPONED