We started work on http://
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Jono Bacon
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Daniel Holbach
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Daniel Holbach
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- Accepted for raring
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Completed by
We started work on http://
Mockup 2011: http://
Jono's announce: http://
Michael Hall created a Wordpress instance on Canonistack to add test data
Do we have a link to this ^ http://
- Encourage use of pictures and videos
- As part of content review: separate "get an idea" and "get excited" from "get involved" (multiple levels of the page?)
- ask teams to write text for people they know they can get excite
- also write a paragraph for NEW contributors, also do a video, stress that we are an open project
[randall] - personas are here: https:/
[randall] - structural considerations are here https:/
2013-04-22 (dholbach) Updated work items to actual describe progress of the project.
Work Items
Work items for ubuntu-
[randall] create some simple community personas (https:/
[randall] write up (in text) how flat page and layered page might work (https:/
[dholbach] pick pad pages to update: DONE
[ayrton] pick pad pages to update: DONE
Work items for ubuntu-
[dholbach] organise content review session (sign up Philip Ballew, Randall Ross, Tiago Hillebrandt and Ayrton Araújo): DONE
[dholbach] talk to dpm about how translations might work (dpm: wpml costs, qtranslate is freely available): DONE
[dholbach] refresh the indicators on wiki to show current state of content : DONE
[randall] pick pad pages to update: DONE
[randall] write pad page - Advocacy: DONE
[randall] refresh/edit pad page - Help-keepup: DONE
[randall] write pad page - Help-keepup-news: DONE
[randall] write pad page - Help-keepup-blogs: DONE
[randall] edit pad page - Help-meeting : DONE
[tiagohillebrandt] pick pad pages to update: POSTPONED
[philipballew] pick pad pages to update: DONE
[dholbach] get 50% of content ready: DONE
[dholbach] get 100% of content ready: DONE
[dholbach] get content on test site: DONE
[dholbach] do final review by the team: DONE
[dholbach] start discussion about first cut of design: DONE
Work items:
[philipballew] create some simple community personas: DONE
[philipballew] talk to LoCo to define community personas: DONE
[philipballew] reach out to design team and/or non-Canonical designers to help us with a mockup: POSTPONED