App/Scope development training events
The training materials for App Development have slowly been coming together. Scope materials are planned next, let's take this out to the masses. Let's also discuss what we need to do to make this effort successful. More apps/scopes will not only benefit the phone, but the desktop (soon) too.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- None
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Daniel Holbach
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Daniel Holbach
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
- Current documentation:
- Docs on running an app dev session
Write scopes
Run new events
Content for the scopes materials
Workshop I: basics
- Scope development procedures:
- Scopes file structure
- How to run scopes
- How to use the unity-scopes-tool
- How to debug scopes (needs new documentation)
- A full tutorial (getting data, presenting data)
Workshop II: adding scope features
- Departments
- Online Accounts (check out the bug affecting online accounts, needs tutorial)
- Customization
- Settings
- filters!
Blocker bugs:
- Online accounts
- Too loong scope names prevent the API from working
- aggregated scopes "don't work" yet
Running Ubuntu and the SDK in other platforms or other versions of Ubuntu
- Virtualbox was tested not to work greatly at past events
- Suggestion: creating a customized ISO
- http://
- Installing an ISO from Windows: http://
- Installing an ISO from Mac: http://
Current documentation review
- Add an article on how to run an event
Running events
- Collecting feedback on existing events
- Running app dev schools in Canonical offices
- Conference packs for app dev trainers
- USB sticks
- Ubuntu Banner
- (Phone)
Work Items
Work items:
[davidc3] figure out with SDK team how scope debugging works: DONE
[davidc3] figure out list of blocker bugs: DONE
[davidc3] have a look at current examples and decide which code to use: DONE
[dholbach] figure out with SDK team how scope debugging works: DONE
[dholbach] figure out list of blocker bugs: DONE
[dholbach] have a look at current examples and decide which code to use: DONE
[dholbach] write a blueprint for the appdev iso (https:/
[dholbach] figure out how to burn ISOs on USB sticks on Mac and Windows: DONE
[dholbach] document how to run an event on developer.u.c: DONE
[dholbach] run event in Berlin or Munich: TODO
[dholbach] ask Canonical employees who work in offices to run events: TODO
[dholbach] organise training hangout: TODO
[dholbach] ask people to join training hangout: TODO
[dpm] Propose app dev trainers conference packs and discuss it with msm: TODO