Juju Advocacy
We built a great tool, let's tell the world!
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Jono Bacon
- Priority:
- Essential
- Drafter:
- None
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Jorge Castro
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for precise
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- ubuntu-12.04
- Started by
- Completed by
What else should we be doing?
On the internet.
- cloud.u.c. facelift... similarly juju.ubuntu.com
- follow-up on charm contribs
- help solve individual problems with charms
In Real life:
- More charm schools!
professionalize them, 2-hr format, examples, intros, t-shirts
- train the trainer
- find qualified trainers
- kickoff for this process
- Charm School every UDS and platform sprints (early in the week)
- Juju team office hours at UDS and platform sprints
- Shows
- Professional Conferences
- scale
- velocity (june usually, very important)
- cloudcamps (
- meetups (node.js meetup)
- Juju labs (collection of tools,scripts,hacks around juju that people can mess with, bring the good ones into core)
- best practices
- aliases
- tools
We prefer office hours to irc talks
best practices for charm schools:
- projectors (2)
- tables (hack style)
- presenter (story to tell, scratched an itch, convert) (Marco)
- juju expert present (dev and charmer ideally)
- power
- bring your own laptop
- network
- landing page for prep work
- marketing
- post-event report
- metrics
- everything in hash-juju for now
- media (both video and audio)
- leverage existing loco teams
- charm school early in the events... then lightning talks at the end can demo charms written
General charm school notes
- leadup messaging... basics/demo first? (do what Marco did)
- Charm leaders need content/references so they can come to events prepared
- Can/should be its own event (like a mongo-meetup)
- promote via twitter/etc...
- Contact upstreams
- Piggyback on existing events
- Best practice for charm school is to invite experienced charmers to demo new stuff... align charmschools with milestones
Work Items:
[clint-fewbar] talk to scale orgs for charm school: DONE
[jorge] look at planning a charm school about a month after cloudcamp san jose: DONE
[jorge] start velocity charmschool planning: DONE
[jorge] start charmschool LISA?: POSTPONED
[jorge] start charmschool usenix?: POSTPONED
[jorge] start charmschool devopsdays: DONE
[jorge] start charmschool gluecon?: DONE
[jorge] start charmschool strata?: POSTPONED
[jorge] start charmschool surge?: POSTPONED
[jorge] start charmschool oscon?: DONE
[jorge] look at mongo for ideas for process... community-run events... where charmschool should go: DONE
[marcoceppi] DC regional Charm Leader: DONE
[mainerror] Budapest regional charm leader: POSTPONED
[negronjl] Get mongo involved in SF: DONE
[jorge] robbie-w about funding / time/ travel resources (schwag too) sponsoring community charmers (marco to posscon!) : DONE
[jorge] mugs and stuff for original charmers: DONE
[jorge] publish best practices on the juju mailing list so the community knows what we're doing: DONE
[jorge] Talk to Platform sprint planners about having a public charm school at platform sprint in budapest.: DONE
[jorge] Map out juju/charmer locations against conferences and make a coverage chart: DONE
[jorge] Work with juju to plan out office hours for the juju team: DONE
[jorge] "Why host a charm school"? "handout" for conference leaders: TODO
[jorge] "How to run a Charm School" documentation on the wiki: DONE
Work Items
Dependency tree
* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.