Juju Charm Documentation
Charm authors will need first class documentation to write charms
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Jono Bacon
- Priority:
- Medium
- Drafter:
- None
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Jorge Castro
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for precise
- Implementation:
Not started
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Completed by
Welcome to Ubuntu Developer Summit!
Where is the documentation now?
* Juju core documentation http://
* Juju.ubuntu.com wiki
* wiki.ubuntu.com/??
* blog posts and other 3rd party sources
* askubuntu.com
* Getting started for a given release of juju in a single place
/docs/11.10/ -> lp:ubuntu/oneiric/juju
/docs/12.04/ -> lp:ubuntu/precise/juju
/docs/current/ -> lp:juju
* Per-charm documentation in a single place
root of charm /README
* per-interface documentation
important task, no resources for it in 12.04 cycle
* Have a place for in-progress documentation
juju.ubuntu.com wiki
Work Items:
[hazmat] investigate splitting docs out or integrating merge proposals of /docs with kanban (split done, kanban not done, needs more discussion): DONE
[jorge] talk to design team about docs style/branding (this was a dumb idea, we need to fix doc contributions first before we care about this, theming sphinx will take too much time compared to the benefit we get, better to work on the core docs themselves and then fix this): POSTPONED
[jorge] talk to ubuntu docs team about contributing to juju documentation: DONE
[jorge] pull in wiki.ubuntu.com pages into juju.ubuntu.com and replace w/ redirects
[negronjl] repost significant blog posts with juju name and updated content: DONE
[clint-fewbar] repost significant blog posts with juju name and updated content: DONE
[mark-mims] repost significant blog posts with juju name and updated content: DONE
[marcoceppi] take stewardship of juju tag on askubuntu.com: DONE
[kirkland] repost significant blog posts with juju name and updated content: POSTPONED
[jorge] get significant juju posts on fridge (In progress, but workflow is sorted so this is now easy and SOP): DONE
[hazmat] add stable release documentation
[jorge] update juju getting started to suggest a README in root: DONE
[clint-fewbar] add README to 'charm create' template: DONE
[clint-fewbar] suggest README as a "should" in charm inclusion policy: DONE
[niemeyer] drive dicussion about interface documentation on juju mailing list: INPROGRESS
[jorge] document when to make a package for a charm: DONE
#uds-p #track #topic #juju
Work Items
Dependency tree
* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.