Launchpad Translations Upstream Imports Presentation and Plans

Registered by David Planella

The upstream imports from branches and message sharing across projects and source packages feature has just been implemented in Launchpad.

The intention for this session is for the Launchpad team to present this feature, answer questions and discuss the plans for mass enabling this feature for selected source packages in Ubuntu.

This will require help and coordination from the translations community, the Desktop team and the Launchpad team.

Blueprint information

Jono Bacon
David Planella
David Planella
Series goal:
Accepted for oneiric
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-11.10
Completed by
David Planella

Related branches



Work items for oneiric-alpha-1:
[dpm] Send an e-mail to fjlacoste highlighting the blocker bugs in the feature for the translations community: DONE
[dpm] Follow up with the Launchpad team if on non-intltool-based projects manually uploading templates in the upstream project can be a feasible workaround: DONE

Work items for oneiric-alpha-2:
[dpm] Document the steps to set up an upstream project (if necessary) and all the rest of the settings to enable upstream translations sharing in an Ubuntu source package: DONE
[dpm] Provide a screencast on set up an upstream project (if necessary) and all the rest of the settings to enable upstream translations sharing in an Ubuntu source package: DROPPED
[dpm] Provide a list of translatable templates in Ubuntu, ordered by priority, and publish them in the wiki: DONE
[dpm] Publish a blog post with the procedure and a call for help setting translation upstream imports: DROPPED

Work items for oneiric-alpha-3:
[dpm] Review the progress of translation upstream imports links in a translations meeting: DROPPED
[dpm] Publish regular reports on progress of upstream import links set in the translators mailing list: DROPPED
[dpm] Promote adding a task for setting up upstream import links at the Ubuntu Global Jam: DROPPED

Work items:
[dpm] Talk to barry about making Python projects work with an intltool setup: POSTPONED

Session notes:

Overview links:

An example project where sharing has been set up:

Import policy:

Community help in setting up and enabling the feature:
* Projects can be created by anyone
* Project links can be set up by anyone
* Source code imports can be created by project owners
* Enabling sharing can only be created by project owners

[dpm, 2011-06-10]
The answer to whether we can use a workaround for non-intltool-based projects is that we'll have to try: translations will be imported with a static template, but those not in the template will be marked as obsolete, and might be shown as suggestions, but probably not as "in upstream" messages.

[dpm, 2011-06-27]
Templates page is at

[dpm, 2011-07-22]
Talked to Henning about the current status of the feature and some open bugs and questions. We agreed that until these have been looked at carefully we should probably not change translation data, thus postponing all of the remaining actions for now. I'll talk to Francis to see how we can best move forward.


Work Items