Celebrating developer contributions

Registered by Daniel Holbach

How can we get better at celebrating contributions to Ubuntu development? There is massive amounts of great work going into Ubuntu, some of this is under the radar because it is less visible. Celebrating this more publicly would be both inspiring for those who did the good work, and others who didn't know about the great work before.

Blueprint information

Not started
Jono Bacon
Daniel Holbach
Daniel Holbach
Series goal:
Accepted for precise
Not started
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-12.04

Related branches



Work items for precise-alpha-1:
[dholbach] blog on UCA Day (http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2011/11/its-human-beings-who-make-ubuntu/): DONE
[bilalakhtar] blog on UCA Day (http://ubunturocking.wordpress.com/2011/11/20/ubuntu-community-appreciation-day-2011-thank-you/): DONE
[3v1n0] blog on UCA Day: POSTPONED
[rafik] blog on UCA Day (http://rafik.tn/2011/ubuntu-mieux-avec-le-coeur/): DONE
[bdfhjk] blog on UCA Day: POSTPONED
[rafik] mail UDS mailing list about use of hash tag: DONE
[dholbach] in our documentation: place more importance on thanking people (wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews updated): DONE
[dholbach] bring up #thxubuntu hash tag in mailing list discussion: DONE
[dholbach] promote submission of "thanks stories" to weekly dev update: DONE
[dholbach] suggest to recommend people on wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/LinkedIn: DONE

Work items:
[dholbach] talk to Ubuntu teams about Team Reports, explain why it's important: DONE
[dholbach] investigate twitter/identi.ca/google+ APIs to get public messages with certain hashtag to provide monthly summary (twidenash already does this): POSTPONED
[dholbach] do some research on forms of appreciation in other projects and discuss with others in a meeting: POSTPONED
[rafik] do some research on forms of appreciation in other projects and discuss with others in a meeting: POSTPONED
[diwic] do some research on forms of appreciation in other projects and discuss with others in a meeting: DONE


Work Items

Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.