Reaching out to future Ubuntu developers

Registered by Daniel Holbach

We reach out to potential new Ubuntu Developers in a number of ways. We have the weekly Developer update, public Hangouts, Ubuntu Developer Week, announcement of initiatives, interviews and other bits. Let's plan how we approach new contributors this cycle.

Blueprint information

Not started
Jono Bacon
Daniel Holbach
Daniel Holbach
Series goal:
Accepted for quantal
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-12.10

Related branches



The outcome of this session was to break up the weekly dev updates into more interesting (publish when we have something great to talk about) blog posts. Among them are interviews (new contributors, but also existing contributors), announcements of events (UDW, bug fixing initiatives) and regular hang out and irc sessions.

We will also refine our "get involved / find something to work on" text, which will be included in all communications.


Work Items

Work items for quantal-alpha-1:
[dholbach] change interview mail template to ask new contributors about specific bugs they fixed (to showcase good and simple bugfixing work): DONE
[dholbach] trim down "get involved / stuff to work on" template, so we can re-use it in all communications: DONE
[bhavi] set up IRC sessions schedule (every 6-8 weeks) with imbrandon, bilalakhtar and bhavi, paulproteus, ejat, andrewsomething: INPROGRESS
[dholbach] set up hangout schedule: DONE
[dholbach] reach out to teams / bug initiative organisers to talk about what they are doing: TODO

Work items for quantal-alpha-2:
[dholbach] remind developers to share stories about how they fixed bugs: TODO
[dholbach] add highvoltage to dev news team: POSTPONED

Work items for ubuntu-12.10:
[dholbach] set up session for UDS-R about user testing the packaging guide: INPROGRESS
[dholbach] set up workshop session for UDS-R how to get involved in Ubuntu development: INPROGRESS

Work items:
[cr3] get Montreal Python folks to usability test a project or two: TODO