MyApps submission experience and expectations for upstreams

Registered by Michael Hall

Review the current process and identify which parts of the documentation need to be improved. Also figure out what specifically we expect from upstreams and which help the ARB can provide.

Blueprint information

Not started
Jono Bacon
Michael Hall
Series goal:
Accepted for quantal
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-12.10

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What do we need to improve in terms of documentation/workflow for developers to submit their apps to MyApps?

There is some confusion in some areas of the submission process:

What to submit
How to submit web apps

Alot of developers already have packaging. How can we make it easier to get their apps into MyApps.
 -- their packaging is probably wrong for myapps though (eg not install into /opt)

If they already have a PPA and can submit the PPA on the first line we can shortcut all the other required fields.
 - still need images, video

 - We are seeing "free" apps go to ARB that connect to proprietary web sites and need to be manually reshuffled back to Canonical Commercial team.
 - May be able to make the interface clearer in how to choose between ARB/commercial reviews (free? price? ads? paid service?)
 - Large uploads fail, we need to solve this problem

Desired experience:
 - generate pkgme json file based on data they enter into the website
 - when pkgme generates a package automake a PPA with it in it, owned by myapps (dev doesn't need to go through PPA creation process etc)
 - Two classes of developers: the ones who have already done packaging will be knowledgeable enough to create a PPA, Quickly developers will have a PPA created for them.


Work Items

Work items:
[scottritchie] Talk to mvo ~ caching the myapps description upon download and showing that in software center in all cases (ie, ignore the local debian/control file when we got the app via myapps): TODO
[allison] File bug: When a developer submits an update, ask for update information and put _that_ into the changelog shown in update manager.: DONE
[allison] File bug: Get upstream link data (not support link data) in app submission process -- software center shows this: DONE
[allison] File bug: Redesign "free/price" radio button to better capture freely downloadable webapps with proprietary connections/third party payment services: DONE
[allison] File bug: Update "Browse / I will upload my app later" to support other workflows and large files: PPA link, some sort of large file upload option (eg browser tool, terminal command of what to paste), also nudge user about our requirements in the correct context: DONE
[mhall119] Update website to explain where files need to go better (/opt/, point to wiki page from ( POSTPONED
[mhall119] Gather the most important information available on the ARB wiki listing what upstream app developers need to know: POSTPONED
[mhall119] Create a page on d.u.c with the most important information available on the ARB wiki listing what upstream app developers need to know: POSTPONED
[ajmitch] Assist mhall119 to summarize the most important ARB information for upstream developers in a d.u.c page: TODO
[elachuni] Send bug reporting guidelines (priorities, projects) to ARB mailing list: TODO