Artwork tasks for Lubuntu 13.04

Registered by Alexander Andjelkovic

Artwork tasks for Lubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail).

Blueprint information

Lubuntu Artwork
Lubuntu Artwork
Needs approval
Lubuntu Artwork
Series goal:
Proposed for raring
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-13.04-beta-2
Started by
Julien Lavergne

Related branches



=== GOALS FOR 13.04 ===

*) Finish Lubuntu Box icons.
*) Implement stock GTK icons (
*) Improve integration of applications.
*) Take another look at lightdm-gtk-greeter, propose a quick solution to get rid of the panel for 13.04.

=== NOTES ===
Notes from the dev team : If you need a name of an icon, please set the task as BLOCKED, and add request for the name of the icon in the label of the task. We will try to answer you as fast as we can.


Work Items

Work items:
[viking.redwolf] Application icon for Abiword: DONE
[viking.redwolf] Application icon for Gnumeric: DONE
[viking.redwolf] Application icon for LxTask: DONE
[viking.redwolf] Application icon for Image Viewer: DONE
[frankbooth] Application icon for Penguin Games: DONE
[frankbooth] Application icon for MTpaint: INPROGRESS
[frankbooth] Application icon for Gnome-Mplayer: DONE
[viking.redwolf] Application icon for Simple Scan: DONE
[viking.redwolf] Application icon for LxAppearance: DONE
[viking.redwolf] Application icon for GUCView: DONE
[viking.redwolf] Application icon for Transmission: DONE
[viking.redwolf] Application icon for Archive Manager: DONE
[viking.redwolf] Application icon for Synaptic (to avoid confusion with LSC): DONE
[viking.redwolf] Application icon for Generic Browser: DONE
[frankbooth] Toolbar icon for Archive Manager (add): DONE
[frankbooth] Toolbar icon for Archive Manager (extract): DONE
Toolbar icon for Simple Scan (/devices/scanner.svg): POSTPONED
[frankbooth] Toolbar icon for Simple Scan (object-crop): DONE
Toolbar icon for Xfburn (new data, toolbar & button): POSTPONED
Toolbar icon for Xfburn (new audio, toolbar & button): POSTPONED
Toolbar icon for Xfburn (blank cdrw, toolbar & button): POSTPONED
Toolbar icon for Xfburn (burn image, toolbar & button): POSTPONED
Toolbar icon for Xfburn (burn button): POSTPONED
[frankbooth] Toolbar icon for Synaptic (Upgrade): DONE
[frankbooth] Toolbar icon for Audacious (volume icon): DONE
[frankbooth] Toolbar icon for Gnome-Mplayer (volume icon): DONE
[frankbooth] Action icon for Transmission (after click on tray icon: Open): DONE
[frankbooth] Action icon for Transmission (after click on tray icon: Play): DONE
[frankbooth] Action icon for Transmission (after click on tray icon: Pause): DONE
[viking.redwolf] Mime type Icon - Impress documents (.odp): DONE
[viking.redwolf] Category menu icon - Wine: DONE
[viking.redwolf] Home folders support (download, music, videos, etc.): DONE
gtk-caps-lock-warning: POSTPONED
gtk-cdrom: POSTPONED
gtk-color-picker: POSTPONED
gtk-convert: POSTPONED
gtk-connect: POSTPONED
gtk-dialog-authentication: POSTPONED
gtk-dialog-error: POSTPONED
[viking.redwolf] gtk-dialog-question: DONE
[viking.redwolf] gtk-dialog-warning: DONE
[viking.redwolf] gtk-directory: DONE
gtk-discard: POSTPONED
gtk-disconnect: POSTPONED
gtk-dnd: POSTPONED
gtk-dnd-multiple: POSTPONED
gtk-execute: POSTPONED
gtk-file: POSTPONED
gtk-floppy: POSTPONED
[viking.redwolf] gtk-harddisk: DONE
gtk-indent: POSTPONED
gtk-index: POSTPONED
[frankbooth] gtk-leave-fullscreen: DONE
gtk-missing-image: POSTPONED
gtk-network: POSTPONED
gtk-orientation-landscape: POSTPONED
gtk-orientation-portrait: POSTPONED
gtk-orientation-reverse-landscape: POSTPONED
gtk-reverse-portrait: POSTPONED
gtk-page-setup: POSTPONED
gtk-print-error: POSTPONED
gtk-print-paused: POSTPONED
[viking.redwolf] gtk-print-preview: DONE
gtk-print-report: POSTPONED
gtk-print-warning: POSTPONED
[viking.redwolf] gtk-revert-to-saved: DONE
gtk-select-all: POSTPONED
[viking.redwolf] gtk-select-color: DONE
gtk-select-font: POSTPONED
gtk-sort-ascending: POSTPONED
gtk-sort-decending: POSTPONED
[viking.redwolf] gtk-strikethrough: DONE
[viking.redwolf] gtk-undelete: DONE
[viking.redwolf] gtk-undelete-rtl: DONE
gtk-unindent: POSTPONED
gtk-unindent-rtl: POSTPONED
[frankbooth] Default settings for LXterminal: DONE
[frankbooth] Default settings for Chromium (use GTK+ theme by default, Ubuntu already does this -- how did they solve it?): BLOCKED
[frankbooth] Theme for Xfce4-notify: DONE
[frankbooth] Mock-ups for lightdm-gtk-greeter (panel will be kept, and made more useful, unfortunately there's no ETA): DONE
[frankbooth] Improve the slideshow: DONE
xfburn: make this app use named icon, not generic cdrom (patch?): POSTPONED
gucview: make this app use proper icon (easy, just avoid use of paths in .desktop file): POSTPONED
[viking.redwolf] gnome-disks & evince: (urgent!) these programs use now symbolic icons, so started new section (also useful for nautilus and future pcmanfm symbolic compatibility: DONE

Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.

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